Design of intelligent children sitting posture correction instrument based on STM32
Abstract:As the vast majority of adolescents lack of self-control and correct attitude, posture supervision and correction has become the most urgent needs of children's activities and learning. The design builds a smart children sitting correction system by using ultrasonic sensors and infrared photoelectric sensors as ranging components, whose main control core is STM32 microcontroller. The system has the functions of ultrasonic velocity measurement, alarm, WIFI transmission, alarm count, reset, etc. It also has the advantages of low power consumption, flexibility, fast installation and multi angle measurement. Compared to the traditional tactile with the relatively simple instrument function, which is not enough convenient, it can adjust the height and location of the sensor basing on the height of the child's body. The results of experiment show that the instrument can timely alarm to correct the wrong posture when the children learn alone, then the situation of alarm will be sent to the parents through the WIFI message. After the alarm, the parents can remind their children to take care of posture. It improves the quality of correcting the posture greatly.
Keywords: posture correction; STM32; ranging; Multi angle; WIFI transmission.

目 录
1.绪论 1
1.1研究背景及意义 1
1.2国内外的研究现状 1
1.3 本课题内容 2
2.系统总体设计 4
2.1 总体电路的设计 4
2.2 系统硬件选择 4
2.2.1主控芯片的选择 4
2.2.2 传感器的选择 6
2.2.3 WIFI模块的选择 7
3.系统硬件电路的设计 8
3.1传感器电路设计 8
3.1.1光电开关传感器 8
3.1.2超声波传感器 9
3.2电平转换电路 9
3.3单片机主控模块 9
3.3.1单片机最小系统 9
3.3.2报警模块 10
3.3.3复位电路 11
3.4 WIFI通讯模块 12
3.5 稳压滤波电路的设计 12
3.6 PCB布线图的设计与制作 13
4.系统软件设计 15
4.1系统软件总体程序 设计 15
4.2分模块程序设计 15
4.2.1单片机程序的设计 15
4.2.2光电测距程序 16
4.2.3 超声波测距程序 17
4.2.4蜂鸣器报警程序 19
4.3 WIFI通信模块程序设计 19
4.4 ONENET中移物联网平台 19
5.系统调试及用户实验 21
5.1硬件的焊接 21
5.2 硬件实物安装 21
5.3超声波传感器测距调试 22
5.4平台结果 24
5.4.1查询流程 24
5.4.2查询结果 24
5.5误差分析 25
6.结论 26
参考文献 27
致谢 28
附件一 29
附件二 29