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摘 要
关键字:LED显示   单片机   Keil

Design of Led Display System Based On MCU
Along with society's unceasing development, the application scope of the electronic display monitor is more and more widespread. As an important platform, the electronic display monitor has been already received the universal approval from the entire society. The monolithic integrated circuit is a miniature processor, and is responsible for the data receiving, the transmission and the processing. The display monitor took a monolithic integrated circuit basic output unit, not only may demonstrate the Chinese character and each kind of character, moreover also may demonstrate the picture, even is the three dimensional animation. It is more widespread in the daily life use. The paper take 16×16LED the electronic display monitor manufacture as the example, the discussion to electron display monitor principle of work, and make a clear that how the monolithic integrated circuit unit controls the light emitter diode to demonstrate the Chinese character.
The system takes AT89S51 as the data processing partial 16×16LED electron display monitor for the Chinese character display part, delivers the number through the S51 input outlet to the display monitor on, controls demonstrates the Chinese character on the display monitor. On the electric circuit board replacement pressed key, lets the procedure start to hold the front part of a jacket from the beginning.
Key words: LED display; MCU; Keil


目 录
摘 要    I
Abstract    II
第一章    绪论    1
1.1引言    1
1.2设计方案    2
1.3 单片机介绍    3
第二章 硬件电路设计    7
2.1单片机最小系统设计    7
2.1.1 复位电路设计    7
2.1.2 时钟电路设计    7
2.2驱动电路设计    8
2.2.1 行驱动电路    8
2.2.2 列驱动电路    9
2.3显示电路设计    12
2.4 系统连接图    14
第三章 软件设计    16
3.1系统的软件功能    16
3.2 汉字的点阵显示原理及字库代码获取方法    16
3.3 程序设计与调试    19
3.4软件开发平台    25
3.4.1编辑环境和调试程序平台    25
3.4.2下载软件    26
第四章 系统实现及总结    27
4.1实物图    27
4.2总结    28
致 谢    29
参考文献    30
附录    31