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摘 要

Noise measuring instrument based on single chip micro
Noise disrupts the people's work and rest seriously. People must take some measures to resolve them. In order to reduce the effects of noise on people's lives, the environmental noise monitoring become a necessary part of improving the quality of life of mankind. Noise monitor for this design mainly consists of noise signal acquisition module, amplifier modules, conversion module, display module and alarm module. The function of acquisition module is to convert ambient noise signal into a weak voltage signal by using microphone. Amplifier module’s function is to enlarge the voltage signal by the operational amplifier. Conversion module’s function is to convert the amplified signal into digital signal act as Single Chip Micoyo’s input signal after the V/F converter. Display module’s function is to convert the digital signal into corresponding decibel value into the LCD1602 to display. Alarm module’s function is when the decibel value exceeds a preset value to provide alarm. The system realizes to monitor the noise in real time.
Key words: operational amplifier; V/F converter; Single Chip Micoyo; LCD1602


摘 要    I
Abstract    II
第一章  绪论    1
1.1 课题背景    1
1.2 课题目标    1
1.3 论文内容安排    2
第二章  噪声监测系统的硬件设计    3
2.1 噪声监测系统的设计思路    3
2.2 信号采集电路    4
2.2.1 传声器    4
2.2.2 放大电路    5
2.2.3 数模转换电路    6
2.3 单片机系统    8
2.3.1 单片机的选择    8
2.3.2 单片机最小系统    8
2.4 显示电路    9
2.4.1 显示设备选择    9
2.4.2 显示电路的设计    10
2.5 报警电路    11
2.6 按键电路    11
2.7 指示灯电路    12
2.8 章节小结    12
第三章  噪声监测系统的软件设计    13
3.1 软件设计整体思路    13
3.2 中断服务模块的设计    15
3.2.1 T1定时器中断模块的设计    15
3.2.2 外部中断模块设计    16
3.3 转换模块    17
3.4 显示模块    17
3.5 指示灯模块    18
3.6 报警模块    19
3.7 章节小结    20
第四章  系统调试    21
4.1 硬件调试    21
4.2 软件调试    23
4.3 实物调试    25
4.4 问题分析    27
总结    29
参考文献    30
致谢    31
附录Ⅰ 噪声监测系统的原理图    32
附录Ⅱ 噪声监测系统的程序清单    33