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This design is based on a single-chip computer control system composed of AT89C51 single-chip microcomputer, the manipulator driven by the steering gear and the external circuit of the single-chip microcomputer to record and reproduce the track of the manipulator by the single-chip microcomputer 51.
In this designed single chip microcomputer control system, PWM signals are generated by interrupt programming to drive the steering gear of the manipulator, and the control of the steering gear is realized by changing the high level of the high level of the PWM signal. A matrix keyboard is connected to the computer to realize the interaction between the computer and the manipulator. The AT24C02 chip is used to store, and the trajectory of the motion of the manipulator is recorded by the capture of the motion data embedded in the MPU6050 module on the manipulator. Among them, the AT24C02 chip and the MPU6050 module are all IIC bus. To realize the communication with AT89C51 microcontroller. MCU also connected to LCD1602 , used to display MPU6050 captured and processed data. Due to the error of zero drift and Gao Si noise in the acquisition of acceleration and angular velocity in MPU6050, Kalman filter algorithm is used to filter the original data, so that more accurate data can be obtained.
This design uses C language programming, and Proteus to carry out part of the simulation to complete the design.

Keywords:AT89C51 ; IIC bus structure; MPU6050


第1章 绪论    1
1.1研究背景及意义    1
1.2国内外研究现状    2
1.3技术路线    3
第2章技术原理与相关通信协议    5
2.1IIC通信协议    5
2.1.1IIC通信协议简介    5
2.1.2IIC通信协议模拟程序    7
2.2中断技术    9
2.3卡尔曼滤波理论    10
2.3.1卡尔曼滤波原理与运用    11
2.3.2卡尔曼滤波器算法    13
第3章系统设计与实现    14
3.1AT89C51单片机    14
3.2舵机    15
3.3MPU6050寻迹系统    16
3.3.1MPU6050模块寻迹设计    16
3.3.2MPU6050读写程序    18
3.4矩阵键盘系统    19
3.4.1矩阵键盘设计    19
3.4.2矩阵键盘程序    21
3.5LCD1602液晶显示器系统    22
5.5.1LCD1602液晶显示设计    22
3.5.2 液晶显示器驱动程序    23
3.6AT24C02存储系统    25
第4章 测试结果与分析    27
4.1PWM信号测试与分析    27
4.2静态角度测量与分析    28
4.3旋转角度测量与分析    29
第5章总结与展望    30
5.1总结    30
5.2展望    31
文献参考    32
致谢    33