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    This paper first analyzes the status quo of the aircraft at home and abroad, analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of STC89C52 and STC15W104 single chip microcomputer, analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the three motor drive modes, explains in detail the influence of different driving modes on the whole system circuit, hardware circuit design Part of the microcontroller, including the smallest system, the motor drive circuit, infrared receiver circuit. Software design includes the core microcontroller STC15W104 on the infrared signal processing, single-chip output PWM wave drive motor rotation. At the same time, the function and characteristics of different bits of STC15W104 register are introduced in detail, which is of great significance for the future use of STC15W104.
The paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the Euler angle and the quaternion for the analysis of the attitude analysis of the aircraft. It analyzes how the quaternion method analyzes the attitude problem of the aircraft, and guides the aircraft and even the unmanned aerial vehicle effect.
In this paper, the use of multiple programs to compare the advantages and disadvantages of the most cost-effective option to design. And by reference to the formula, supplemented by a small amount of calculation, and ultimately make the small yellow aircraft in the infrared remote control under the control of the smooth take off and stop, successfully completed the graduation design.
Key words: STC89C52; STC15W104; Euler angle; quaternion


第1章绪论    1
1.1 引言    1
1.2 本文研究背景及意义    1
1.3 国内外研究现状    1
第2章方案论证    3
2.1电机驱动方案论证    3
2.2红外接收方案论证    5
2.3本章小结    6
第3章硬件电路设计    7
3.1 硬件需求分析    7
3.2 系统整体框图    7
3.3 单片机模块    7
3.4蓄电池模块    9
3.5电机模块    10
3.6红外发射模块-遥控器    10
3.7电路图设计    11
3.7.1 单片机最小系统模块    11
3.7.2 红外接收模块    12
3.7.3 电机驱动模块    12
3.8本章小结    12
第4章软件程序设计    14
4.1 软件需求分析    14
4.2 程序流程设计    14
4.2.1 单片机程序流程    14
4.2.2 红外接收程序流程    15
4.3 程序编写    16
4.3.1 需要配置的寄存器    16
4.3.2 寄存器的设置    18
4.4 本章小结    19
第5章姿态算法的研究    21
5.1 四元数    21
5.1.1四元数的基本性质    21
5.1.2 四元数与欧拉角的转化    22
5.2 欧拉角    23
5.3 欧拉角四元数对比    23
5.4 本章小结    24
第6章系统测试    25
6.1 测试设备    25
6.2 安装调试    25
6.3 测试结果    25
6.4 本章小结    25
第7章总结与展望    27
参考文献    28
附录A    30
致谢    30