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摘   要
本次毕业设计是利用单片机设计一个磁悬浮小球演示系统。众所周知,电磁铁通电后产生磁场 ,吸引钢球,动态调整电磁铁中的电流,可使其产生的电磁吸力等于铁球的重量,从而使小球悬浮在空中保持不动,因此可以通过单片机控制电流从而控制钢球的运动状态。演示系统主要包含两个部分:一是对钢球的位置的检测,二是利用单片机控制电磁铁的磁场来改变钢球上的磁力大小。本文采用光电传感器来测量监控钢球的位置变化,利用AT89C51芯片为核心,通过接收传感器的输出信号,控制铁磁线圈中的电流大小,从而改变施加在钢球上的磁力,使钢球受力平衡,达到悬浮的效果。

With more and more of the magnetic levitation technology applied to the real life of various fields, the magnetic levitation in a few years ago or a very strange word has been widely known. It is a complicated problem that the control system is a very complicated problem, and the main content of this paper is to classify the magnetic levitation force generated by the principle of magnetic levitation.
Starting with the basic application of superconducting magnetic levitation, this paper introduces the basic physical properties of superconductor, and then introduces the control method, process and principle of the superconducting magnetic levitation system. Compared with superconducting magnetic levitation, often lead maglev application more widely, in this paper, the study mainly from an instance of, principle analysis of electromagnet levitation. In order to study the type electromagnet levitation control method, process and principle.
The graduation design is the use of single-chip design of a magnetic levitation ball demonstration system. As is known to all, electromagnet generates a magnetic field to attract ball, dynamic adjustment of the electromagnet current, to produce the electromagnetic force is equal to the ball weight, so that the suspended balls in the air to maintain real, so you can through the MCU control current to control the motion state of the steel ball. The control system mainly consists of two parts: one is the position of the steel ball, the two is to use the single chip microcomputer to control the magnetic field of the magnet to change the size of the magnetic steel ball. In this paper, the optical sensor to measure changes in the position of the monitor ball, using AT89C51 chip as the core, by receiving the output signal of the sensor, control the size of ferromagnetic coil current, thus changing the applied magnetic force on the ball, so the steel ball force balance, reach suspension effect.
Key Words:magnetic levitation technology; Single chip microcomputer control;digital analog conversion;magnetic force calculation
目  录
摘   要    I
Abstract    II
第1章 绪论    1
  1.1 研究背景与研究目的    1
  1.2 国内外研究现状    1
  1.3 预期目标    3
第2章 系统总体设计    4
  2.1 设计内容与方法    4
        2.1.1 磁悬浮球部分    4
        2.1.2 单片机控制部分    5
  2.2 工作原理    5
        2.2.1 光电位移传感器    5
        2.2.2 单片机系统设计    7
第3章 系统的实验装置及外部电路    9
  3.1 磁悬浮球的实验装置    9
    3.1.1光电位移传感器的设计    9
  3.2 数字控制部分电路设计    11
第4章 磁悬浮系统中的数学关系    16
  4.1 传感器部分    16
  4.2 单片机控制部分    16
第5章 软件编写    20
第6章 结论    23
参考文献    24