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摘   要

      Study on temperature and humidity control in today's society more and more deeply. In all areas must be fully taken into account. Traditional greenhouse temperature and humidity detected by a thermometer, hygrometer, bi-metal band and humidity measuring instrument, such as testing equipment, low efficiency of these test methods manual, time-consuming, the results of the random error is large. Therefore, to create a low cost, easy to use, and can accurately display the temperature and humidity control instrument value is required. Temperature and humidity acquisition and control system using SCM to achieve it with the above advantages, the focus of this paper is to explore the greenhouse temperature and humidity acquisition system based on microcontroller.
      Design 52 microcontroller, temperature and humidity sensors, liquid crystal display and button control. Requirements for temperature and humidity control is easy to achieve. Temperature and humidity value from the sensor to be passed to the microcontroller. After the SCM process accurately displayed on the LCD screen. If the measured value exceeds the upper limit, the drive will alarm sound and light alarm. We can accordingly heating and cooling, dehumidification plus other operations.
Key Words:Temperature and humidity control;SCM ;temperature and humidity sensors;greenhouse


目  录
摘   要    I
Abstract    II
第1章 绪论    1
  1.1 研究背景    1
  1.2 温湿度对农作物的影响    1
1.3 国内外现状    3
  1.4 本章小结    4
  1.5 论文章节安排    4
第2章 温室大棚监控系统设计    6
  2.1 温室大棚的结构    6
  2.2 系统总体方案设计    6
  2.3 论文内容    9
第三章 系统硬件设计    10
  3.1 元器件的选择    10
  3.2硬件电路设计    13
  3.3 系统总体电路    19
第4章 系统软件设计    21
  4.1 概述    21
  4.2 各模块的软件设计    22
第5章 系统仿真与实际测试    28
  5.1 仿真调试软件    28
  5.2 系统仿真与调试    29
  5.3 实物测试    30
第6章 总结与展望    33
参考文献    34
致 谢    35
附录A    36
附录B    37