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Asis known to all, the population of Chinese driver is growing too fast every year. According to the statistics, the number of car drivers in our country has reached up totwo hundred and forty-four million now and car ownership is also in order to achieve one hundred and fifty-four million. The increasing number of cars has made people pay more and more attention to the safety of driving, while reversing due to limited vision, so the driver is easy to judge the distance wrongly and cause collision, thus more and more drivers began to assemble Parking Distance Control for their vehicles. The purpose of this paper is to design a microcontroller basedon ultrasonic Parking Distance Control. It is a kind of auxiliary parking device, and it can help drivers in the car to understand the situation of the tail of the car generally.
This design uses AT89C51 single chip microcomputer as the core, and in the first part, it introduces the purpose and significance of the design and specific implementation of the functional parameters. The next part of the paper focuses on the comparison of several methods of ultrasonic distance measurement and the advantages and disadvantages of various methods are expounded, explaining the working principle of the method. In the third part, the hardware structure of the system is introduced and the composition of the hardware circuit and the characteristics of each chip are explained in the subsection section. The following section mainly wrote the main process of the system and the flow of each sub module. In the last part, the process and result of simulation are written.
The function of the design includes the distance of the vehicle tail distance obstacle and the local real-time temperature display automatically on the LCD display screen and the distance between the display ranges in 0~500cm;The buzzer will automatically adjust the alarm frequency according to the distance andthe closer the distance obstacle, the higher the buzzer alarm frequency is. The characteristic of this system is that it can be compensated automatically according to the temperature, easy to implement, strong reliability and so on.

Key Words:Reversing radar; Ultrasonic range finder; AT89C51


第1章绪论    1
1.1设计的目的及意义    1
1.2 倒车雷达的国内外研究现状    2
1.3 本次设计的内容及技术参数    3
1.4 各章节安排    3
第2章方案论证    5
2.1 总体设计方案    5
2.2 超声波测距理论分析    5
2.3 超声波传感器    6
2.3.1 超声波传感器的原理及结构    6
2.3.2 超声波传感器的主要性能指标    6
2.4 本章总结    7
第3章硬件设计    8
3.1 单片机主控系统电路设计    8
3.1.1 电源电路    8
3.1.2 时钟电路    9
3.2 超声波发射电路    9
3.3 超声波检测接收电路    10
3.4 温度采集电路    10
3.5 蜂鸣器电路    11
3.6 LCD显示电路    12
3.7 本章总结    13
第4章软件设计    14
4.1 主程序设计    14
4.2 定时器中断服务程序    14
4.3 INT0中断服务程序    15
4.4 测温子程序    16
4.5 距离计算子程序    16
4.6 显示子程序    17
4.7 报警子程序    18
4.8 本章总结    19
第5章仿真调试    20
5.1 系统仿真调试内容    20
5.2 仿真结果分析    22
5.3 本章总结    22
第6章总结    23
参考文献    24
致谢    25
附录系统硬件电路图    26