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摘  要
The design of the project name is "based on SCM intelligent lamp design", the design of intelligent lamp to solve previous lamp lighting brightness regulation, single color and other issues, the realization of these functions mainly through mobile phones, computers and so on to complete. In addition, but also consider the application of table lamps to complete the design of the shape, in order to cater to consumers.
The stepwise regression analysis method to elaborate the scheme of the implementation process, the main purpose is to verify the high power LED drive and scheme to realize the change of luminance and chrominance. In this process will involve to SCM control timer output PWM wave, microcontroller through the serial port to control WiFi module and computer communication, high power led with voltage input scheme design. At last, the implementation scheme of LED brightness and chroma is introduced, and the realization process of remote operation scheme is explained. After the above functional verification, all the content involved in the project to do a simple summary.
Here the use of STM8 chip timer function plus PAM2861 chip method to complete the change of high power LED brightness and color, the use of ESP8266 to achieve the purpose of remote control. The use of the chip peripheral functions just to meet the design requirements of the project, more familiar with its configuration process, so that greatly simplifies the process of project development.
Key Words:MCU;Intelligent desk lamp;WIFI;colour;brightness


第1章绪论    1
1.1项目开发的背景    1
1.2项目开发的目的和意义    1
1.2.1意义    1
1.2.2目的    2
1.3项目开发在国内外发展现状    2
1.4主要内容和章节安排    4
第2章系统方案设计    5
2.1项目实现内容    5
2.2各模块选项与分析    6
2.2.1主控芯片的选型与分析    6
2.2.2 WIFI模块的选型与分析    6
2.2.3 LED驱动芯片的选型与分析    7
第3章硬件详细设计    8
3.1 STM8评估板的前期准备学习    8
3.1.1 STM8小型开发版的学习    8
3.1.2主控板的任务设计    9
3.2大功率LED的驱动电路设计与测试    10
3.2.1 LED的简单介绍    10
3.2.2 LED的连接关系确定    10
3.2.3 PAM2861的供电方案测试    13
3.2.4 LED亮度和颜色的调试测试    14
3.3 3.4 WIFI模块的电路设计与测试    18
3.3.1 ESP8261模块通信测试    18
3.3.2 AT指令和模块工作状态分析    19
3.3.3 ESP8266网络通信功能测试    21
第4章软件设计    23
4.1软件开发环境的搭建和测试    23
4.2 STM8工程文件的搭建和调试    23
4.3程序总体设计    24
第5章外观设计与安装    26
5.1外观设计    26
5.2安装步骤    28
第6章实验结果    31
6.1项目效果预览    31
6.2物料清单    32
6.3成本分析    33
第7章总结与展望    34
7.1总结    34
7.2期望    34
参考文献    35
致谢    37