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Research on LED Light Dimmer System Based on Single
Chip Microcomputer and Wireless Technology
Wireless network technology has developed rapidly in recent years. The most representative one is WiFi technology. It covers a wide range of fields which includes the lighting field. With the improvement of quality of life, people continue to pursue visual enjoyment. The technology of lighting control is thus constantly complicated and the control methods are more and more diverse. Traditional control methods lack flexibility and reliability. The design idea of this paper is to combine WiFi technology with lighting control system, and take advantage of wireless technology to not only reduce the cost of the control system, but also improve the transmission rate, flexible and easy to move. Improve the inadequacies of traditional lighting control methods.
This paper mainly studies LED lighting control system based on single chip microcomputer and wireless technology. This system can control the switch and brightness of light through mobile phone APP. This article focuses on the design and development of wireless lighting control systems and demonstrates the end result.
Keywords: Single chip microcomputert, WIFI module, Power circuit


目 录
摘要    II
Abstract    III
第一章 绪论    1
1.1研究背景    1
1.2本文意义    1
1.3国内外的研究现状    1
1.4本文的组织结构    2
第二章 方案的设计与论证    3
2.1控制方案的确定    3
2.2控制方式的选择    3
2.2.1    单片机芯片的选择    3
2.2.2    无线遥控模块的选择    3
第三章 硬件电路的设计    5
3.1系统的功能分析及体系结构设计    5
3.1.1    系统功能分析    5
3.1.2    系统总体结构    5
3.2模块电路的设计    6
3.2.1    单片机核心系统电路设计    6
3.2.2    5V电源电路设计    7
3.2.3    ESP8266WIFI模块电路设计电路设计    8
3.2.4    5V转3.3V电源电路设计    9
3.2.5    高亮LED灯照明电路设计    9
第四章 系统软件设计    11
4.1 编程语言选择    11
4.2 单片机程序开发环境    11
4.3软件开发流程    12
4.4程序烧录软件介绍    12
4.5 PL2303串口程序烧写模块介绍    13
4.6 程序流程图    14
第五章 系统焊接与调试    16
5.1电路焊接    16
5.2系统调试    16
5.2.1    系统程序调试    16
5.2.2    硬件测试    17
5.3实物测试    17
第六章 控制系统手机App开发    19
6.1手机App页面    19
6.2软件开发    19
6.3 App使用    22
总 结    24
参考文献    25
致 谢    26