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关键词:单片机  温度采集  DS18B20  STM32  液晶显示
Design of Thermometer Based on Single Chip Microcomputer
This paper introduces a temperature measurement system based on STM32F103RBT6 single chip microcomputer. The process of developing temperature measurement system by digital temperature sensor DS18B20 is described in detail. The hardware connection, software programming and module system flow of the sensor are analyzed in detail, The circuit of each part is also introduced, DS18B20 and STM32F103RBT6 combination to achieve the most simple temperature detection system, and use TFT_LCD LCD display their name and temperature of the experiment. The system has the advantages of simple structure, strong anti-interference ability, suitable for field temperature measurement in harsh environment, and has wide application prospect.

Keywords: single chip;temperature acquisition;DS18B20;STM32; liquid crystal display
摘要    I
Abstract    II
第一章 绪论    1
1.1 课题背景与研究意义    1
1.2 单片机的主要研究内容和现状    1
1.3 设计内容及性能指标    2
第二章 系统方案论证与比较    3
2.1 方案一    3
2.2 方案二    4
第三章 系统器件的选择    6
3.1 单片机的选择    6
3.1.1 STM32F103RTC6的特征    6
3.1.2 STM32F103RTC6 原理图详解    8
3.2 温度传感器的选取    9
3.2.1 DS18B20的介绍    9
3.2.2 DS18B20的外部封装    10
3.2.3 DS18B20的注意事项    11
3.2.4 DS18B20的内部结构    12
3.2.5 DS18B20的测温原理    16
3.2.6 DS18B20测温精度的提高    17
第四章 硬件设计电路    20
4.1 主控制器    20
4.2 显示电路    20
4.3 温度检测电路    22
4.4 温度报警电路    24
第五章 软件设计    25
5.1 概述    25
5.2 主程序模块    25
5.3 各个模块流程设计    26
第六章 总结和期望    31
参考文献    32
致  谢    33