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摘   要
本系统设计了各个模块,驱动电路;STC89C52微处理器控制模块;基本的交互外设按键及显示器件模块;通过AD9绘制电路图,用AD9仿真电路,在keil c平台用C语言编制和调试本课题微处理器89C52的程序,基本符合设计要求。

关键词:STC89C52  步进电机  电脉冲
Design of Stepping Motor Control System Based on STC89C52
 Single Chip Microcomputer
Stepping motor as a fully digital control of the precise stepper motor,It has excellent performance, high stability, flexible use and low cost. It is widely used in modern industrial control.
In this paper, we design a stepper motor by electric pulse control, it is designed for four phase eight shot, by changing the motor windings energized phase sequence to change its direction of rotation and control electric pulse input quantity and frequency to change it and the speed of rotation. Through the ULN2003 drive circuit to amplify the power to adapt to the stepper motor with load when the larger torque. Using LCD1602 liquid crystal display stepper motor steering, speed, etc..
The system will be designed for each module,circuit module for driving a stepping motor; STC89C52 microprocessor control module; the basic interaction device keypad and display module; based on AD9 drawing circuit diagram, circuit simulation with AD9, in keil c platform, use the C language to compile and debug the subject microprocessor 89C52 program, in line with the basic design requirements.
Key Words: STC89C52;Stepper motor;Electric pulse


目  录
摘   要    I
Abstract    II
第一章 绪 论    1
1.1  研究背景    1
1.2      步进电机国内外研究现状    1
1.3  本文的主要工作和安排    2
第二章  步进电机控制系统总体设计方案    3
2.1  系统设计原理    3
2.2  单片机控制模块    3
2.2.1  单片机的选型    3
2.2.2  STC89C52单片机的引脚和说明    4
2.2.3  时钟电路    6
2.2.4  复位电路    7
2.3  步进电机模块    8
2.3.1  步进电机简介    8
2.3.2  步进电机结构    8
2.3.3  步进电机的工作原理    9
2.4  ULN2003芯片概述    10
2.5  LCD1602液晶显示模块    11
2.5.1  LCD1602简介    11
2.5.2  LCD1602管脚说明    11
2.5.3  LCD1602液晶控制指令    13
第三章 步进电机控制系统的软件设计    15
3.1  主控模块的程序设计流程    15
3.2  步进电机的一般控制    17
3.2.1  定时器与中断程序    17
3.2.2  键盘行列扫描    18
3.2.3  步进电机的正反转和加减速    20
3.3  LCD显示模块    21
第四章  系统的调试与分析    23
4.1  硬件电路板制作与程序的烧入    23
4.2  步进电机功能测试    24
第五章  总结与展望    26
5.1  总结    26
5.2  下一步工作的展望    27
参考文献    29
致   谢    30
附录一 电路原理图    31
附录二 程序代码与注释    32