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Based on 51 single-chip electronic ordering system
Now with the improvement of people's quality of life, food and beverage industry, competition has begun in full swing, and the restaurant industry will be the key to competitiveness lies in the application of information technology. The use of electronic ordering system can not only improve the traditional handwritten menu brings cumbersome and wasteful situation, and be able to effectively save labor and improve working efficiency, which indirectly raises the restaurant grades, to promote the quality of service restaurant industry increased.
This paper describes the requirements for the general restaurant designed based on 51 single-chip electronic ordering system. The system consists of a la carte terminal (customer use), the receiver (connected to a PC) and PC (administrator) components. Customer terminal via a la carte a la carte orders, the front desk manager PC software to get customers through the ordering information for serving, checkout.
Paper gives a complete electronic ordering system software and hardware platform design, the system is designed to use STC89LE52RC (51 cores) as the master chip nRF24L01 wireless module via wireless communications sent to the desk a la carte data receiver , the same receiver via the wireless module ordering data reception, then the receiver then sends the data through the serial port to the laptop through the PC access to customers ordering information to checkout.
Keywords: microcontroller, nRF24L01, serial

摘要    I
Abstract    II
第一章 引言    4
1.1课题研究背景    4
1.2无线点菜系统的发展及现状    4
1.3本文的工作    5
第二章 系统方案设计    2
2.1 系统结构框架    2
2.2 点菜终端设计    2
2.3无线转接器设计    3
第三章 硬件设计    4
3.1 点菜终端电路设计    4
3.1.1 单片机最小系统组成模块    4
3.1.2 电源模块    6
3.1.3 按键模块    6
3.1.4  LCD12864液晶显示模块    7
3.1.5 无线模块    8
3.2无线转接器电路设计    10
3.2.1 通信模块    10
第四章 系统程序设计    12
4.1点菜终端程序设计    12
4.1.1点菜功能描述    12
4.1.2 点菜终端主程序    13
4.1.3 按键模块    14
4.1.4 液晶显示模块    15
4.1.5 无线模块    16
4.2接收器程序设计    17
4.2.1接收器功能描述    17
4.2.2 接收器主程序    18
4.2.3 通信模块    18
第五章 调试与结果    20
5.1硬件调试    20
5.1.1 点菜终端调试    20
5.1.2 无线收发器调试    23
5.2软件调试    23
结语    26
参考文献    27
致谢    28
附录一  整体实物图    29
附录二  单片机程序    30