Laser detection communication system based on single-chip microcomputer
Abstract: The main goal of this paper is to complete the design and manufacture of laser detection and communication system design based on STM32 microcontroller. The main function of this system is to realize wireless laser detection communication between two single-chip microcomputers. By using a laser diode. Optical devices such as laser sensors use amplifying circuits, A/D conversion, etc. to realize modulation and demodulation of laser signals.
After debugging the software and hardware, the STM32 SCM laser pass detection system completed by this design can realize laser detection and complete simple laser communication.
Key words:STM32;laser; detection; communication.

目 录
1绪论 6
1.1激光检测通信的背景 6
1.2激光通信的特点与优势 6
1.3国内外发展现状 7
2激光通信系统原理及系统组成 10
2.1激光通信系统的原理 10
2.2激光检测 11
2.3激光通信系统 12
2.4计算机与单片机主机端的连接 14
2.5激光发射器 14
2.6激光接收器 15
2.7调制与解调 15
3.系统的硬件及电路设计 16
3.1 单片机芯片选择 16
3.2接口电路 18
3.3 驱动电路 19
3.4 激光发射器 20
3.5 光电传感器 21
3.6 放大器 22
3.7 A/D转换 23
3.8 LCD显示设备 24
3.10 可靠性设计 25
4程序设计及结果 25
4.1 语言选择 25
4.2主程序流程图 25
4.3 程序初始化 26
4.4 通信结果 27
5结论 27
参考文献 28
致谢 29