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摘  要

关键词:110kv变电站  电气一次部分设计  主接线  主变压器的选择  防雷接地保护
With the increasing demand of the society, the good power supply plays an important role in the development of the national economy. Substation as an important part of power system, is mainly responsible for the task of high and low voltage conversion and distribution of electric energy, a good design for the substation in power system play a role in a decisive role.
This paper is mainly about the township substation (two transformers) once part of the electrical design, from the load growth illustrates the necessity of the establishment of construction, considering the annual electricity consumption of a central town and its planning for the next 5-10 years, to determine the design of substation of the town.
The proposed substation is a 110kV step down substation, voltage level of 110/35/10kv.
The main content of this paper includes of substation main wiring plan choice, the choice of main electrical equipment, short-circuit current calculation, high-voltage power equipment design, electrical design of general layout, main transformer relay protection setting calculation, lightning protection,grounding protection and so on. The design is in considering the characteristics of the region, electric capacity and the economy, to ensure the substation can be flexible and effective to deal with the possible fault in the future, and has good economic benefits.
Key words: 110kV substation; electrical once part of the design;the main wiring;the choice of the main transformer;lightning protection and grounding protection


目  录
摘  要    II
Abstract    III
第一章 原始资料    1
1.1设计内容    1
第二章 电气主接线    2
2.1电气主接线的基本要求    2
2.2变电站电气主接线的基本接线方式    2
第三章 变压器的选择与负荷计算    4
3.1主变压器台数的选择    4
3.2主变压器容量的选择    4
3.3主变压器的型式选择    4
第四章 短路电流计算    8
4.2短路电流计算的规定    8
4.3短路电流计算的步骤    9
4.4短路类型及计算方法    9
第五章 主要电气设备的选择    11
5.1按正常工作条件选择额定电压和额定电流    11
5.2按短路条件校验热稳定和动稳定    12
5.3 导体的选择    13
5.3.1导体的材料、类型和布置方式    13
5.3.2导体截面积    14
5.3.3电晕电压校验    15
5.3.4热稳定的校验    16
5.3.5硬导体的动稳定校验    16
5.4电力电缆的选择    16
5.4.1电缆型号    16
5.4.2额定电压    17
5.4.3截面积    17
5.4.4热稳定校验    17
5.4.5允许的电压降校验    18
5.5支柱绝缘子与穿墙套管的选择    19
5.6高压断路器的选择    19
5.7隔离开关的选择    20
5.8高压熔断器的选择    20
5.9互感器的选择    21
5.9.1.电流互感器    21
5.9.2电压互感器    22
第六章 配电装置和总平面布置设计    23
6.1配电装置    23
6.1.1配电装置的基本要求    23
6.1.2配电装置的类型    23
6.2电气总平面布置    23
第七章 防雷及接地设计    25
7.1防雷保护的特点    25
7.2架空输电线路防雷设计    25
7.3变压器的防雷保护    26
7.3.1三绕组变压器保护    26
7.3.2变压器中性点保护    26
7.4接地设计    26
计算书    27
第一章 电气主接线    27
第二章 主变压器选择    29
2.1负荷计算    31
2.2主变压器的选择    32
2.3站用变压器    32
第三章 短路电流计算    33
第四章 主要电气设备的选择    40
4.1 110kv设备    40
4.2 35kv设备    42
4.3 10kv设备    44
第五章 变电站的配电布置和防雷接地    47
5.1配电布置    47
5.2防雷接地    47
参考文献    48
致谢    49