Main Wiring Design of 220kVSubstation
Abstract: This article is mainly about the 220kV substation of a wiring design, the main content is the main wiring choice, the choice of the main transformer, short circuit current MATLAB simulation and the selection of major electrical equipment. In the selection of electrical main wiring, the main wiring of three types of busbar connection, double busbar connection and double busbar bypass wiring are discussed. The most reasonable wiring type is selected by analyzing and comparing. The main transformer selection is mainly According to the requirements of the system design, the phase number, type and capacity of the transformer are selected. For the calculation of the short-circuit current, the simulation is carried out by MATLAB, which simplifies the calculation and makes the short-circuit current more accurate. In the electrical equipment, Considering the circuit breaker, isolating switch, current carrying conductor, transformer and reactive power compensation, and made a brief check; the final formation of a complete 220kV substation main wiring design.
Key words:substation; main wiring; MATLAB simulation; short circuit current; electrical equipment

1 绪论 3
1.1研究背景 3
1.2国内外研究现状 3
1.3本次设计主要内容 3
2.主接线设计 4
2.1接线设计要求 4
2.2主接线的类型 5
2.3本章小结 7
3.主变压器设计 7
3.1主变型式的选择 7
3.2主变压器台数的选择 7
3.3主变压器的容量选择 8
3.4变压器的接地方式 8
3.5本章小结 8
4.短路电流计算 9
4.1仿真模型的建立 9
4.2仿真参数的计算 10
4.3仿真结果的分析 13
4.3.1 220kV高压侧母线三相短路 13
4.3.2 110kV中压侧母线三相故障 14
4.3.3 10.5kV低压侧三相短路(分列运行) 16
4.3.4 10.5kV低压侧三相短路(两台变压器并列运行) 17
4.3.5 10.5kV低压侧短路故障(三台变压器并列运行) 18
4.4本章分析 19
5.电气设备 19
5.1断路器 19
5.2隔离开关 22
5.3母线 23
5.4互感器 23
5.4.1电流互感器 23
5.4.2电压互感器 24
6.避雷保护 25
6.1雷电危害 25
6.2雷电防护 26
6.3架空线路与变电站防雷措施 26
6.4本章小结 26
7.系统设计图 27
8.总结 27
参考书目: 27
附录: 29
致谢 30