Yindar Chuo, Badr Omrane, Clint Landrock, Jeydmer Aristizabal, Donna Hohertz, Sasan V. Grayli, and Bozena Kaminska
Powering the Future: Organic Solar Cells with Polymer Energy Storage
The powering of electronic devices is often limited to rigid and bulky energy solutions (such as batteries). The lack of thin, flexible, lightweight energy sources restricts innovations in application areas such as wireless, autonomous, and flexible systems. A small number of ‘‘soft’’ (polymer) batteries are newly available on the market; however, their small capacity implies frequent servicing. Although energy harvesting has the potential to provide supplementary or, in some cases, stand-alone continuous power, it inherently requires the matching of function and environment. Several lightweight, miniaturized energy-harvesting solutions have been demonstrated (such as microvibration energy harvesting), but most are extremely application specific, complex, expensive to manufacture, and ultimately still rigid.