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3D Era of Modern Manufacturing Industry

3D Era of Modern Manufacturing Industry
Manufacturing industry is the pillar industry of the national economy, and its material production is the foundation of the country and it represents the prosperity of the nation.In the 70s of the 20th century, manufacturing industry of the United States had once been decried as a "sunset industry", then the competitive advantage of manufacturing industry was occupied by Japan, until in the middle term of 1990s, GM and Ford replaced Mitsubishi and Mitsui and ranked the first and second in the automotive industry.At the same time,the 300 chip companies and 30000 software enterprises are rising, the 204 companies of leaded the manufacturing industry of the U.S. economy 2001 < wealth > top 500 , and the GDP of them accounted for 40%.Published by the National Association of manufacturers in the United States in 2000,the  manufacturing report said that the manufacturing industry is to promote the dynamics of American economic growth of 1990s.today's countries in the word who are powerful in the economy have owned well-developed manufacturing industry. The United States, Japan, Germany, Britain, France and other countries are called the developed countries, to a large extent , because their manufacturing industry is the most developed  in the world.When our country promotes the informationization of the national economy vigorously, we must clearly recognize that the manufacturing industry is the pillar of modern economy, and to improve the technical level of manufacturing industry is a long-term and arduous task.To develop the information industry, first we should apply the information technology to the manufacturing industry.