摘 要
关键词:甘氨酸 HPLC检测分析 海因
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to detect Glycine and Its Derivatives
It is widely applied into practice in the field of organic pesticide, medicine, food and feed supplement for glycine. The technology of producing glycine when hydantoin is its synthetic intermediate has the advantage of easier operation, less pollution and higher yield, and there are principal product of glycine and by-product such as hydantoin , hydantoin acid and related polypeptide in the reaction process. Due to the characteristics of simple and fast operation, superior separation effect and high detection sensitivity, the method of high performance liquid chromatography method (HPLC) is widely used in the field of analyzing amino acids.
The experiment steps the topic proposed are as follows, in the premise of taking high performance liquid chromatography method, selecting appropriate column temperature and changing the wavelength of UV detection, mobile phase and its velocity, then analyzing corresponding chromatogram through comparing factors of retention time, peak shape, height, area and area ratio, finally the optimal chromatographic conditions can be determined. After proving availability of the experimental accuracy and precision, we can calculate the content of glycine and its by-products, like hydantoin and hydantoin acid, in the way of measuring the linear relationship between concentration and peak height, and monitor their generation and transformation in the process of manufacturing glycine, which lays a solid foundation for the optimization of technological conditions and monitoring in the research process.
Key Words: Glycine; HPLC detection and analysis; Hydantoin

目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 论文综述 1
1.1 甘氨酸及其衍生物的概况 1
1.1.1 甘氨酸的理化性质 1
1.1.2 甘氨酸衍生物海因及海因酸的理化性质 1
1.2 甘氨酸的应用 2
1.3 甘氨酸的制备 3
1.3.1 氯乙酸氨化法 3
1.3.2施特雷克法 3
1.3.3氨基乙腈法 3
1.4.4海因法 3
1.4 甘氨酸的发展现状 4
1.5 甘氨酸的检测方法 4
1.6 甘氨酸及其衍生物的HPLC分析 5
1.6.1 HPLC技术的简介 6
1.6.2 HPLC的原理 6
1.6.3 HPLC方法建立的一般步骤 7
1.7 HPLC法检测分析海因法制备甘氨酸及其衍生物的意义 7
第二章 实验材料和方法 8
2.1 实验材料 8
2.1.1 主要仪器 8
2.1.2样品及试剂 8
2.2 实验方法 9
2.2.1 实验思路 9
2.2.2 色谱条件 9
第三章 实验内容与讨论 12
3.1 色谱条件的优化 12
3.1.1 柱温的选择 12
3.1.2 检测波长的选择 12
3.1.3无机盐浓度的选择 20
3.1.4溶剂配比的选择 28
3.1.5流动相pH的选择 36
3.1.6 流速的选择 44
3.2 方法的验证 53
3.2.1 精密度考察 53
3.2.2 线性关系的考察 54
3.2.3 准确度的考察 57
3.2.4 含量测定 58
第四章 实验总结与展望 62
4.1 实验条件的确定 63
4.2 展望 63
参考文献 65
致谢 67