关键词 轻食 餐厅运营 互联网+
With the development of the Internet+, it has evolved from an initial combination of form to a fusion of ideas, and the catering industry is no exception. The new healthy eating concept of "light food" has emerged with urban development and is continuously influencing the lives of modern urban young professionals. In first and second-tier cities, light food restaurants have caused great attention and enthusiasm. This article selects representative characteristic light food restaurants and analyzes the problems that occur in their operation process. Through questionnaire surveys, the reasons for the problems of light food restaurants in the current environment are analyzed, and optimization strategies are proposed. Papers on the operation of characteristic light food restaurants are rare in China, and the application of Internet+ light food restaurants is still in a blank stage. The author hopes to fill the theoretical gap and provide relevant guidance for industry operators through the investigation and research in this article. This article has strong practicality.
Key Words:Light food Restaurant operations Interenet

摘要 2
Abstract 3
第一章 绪 论 5
1.1 研究背景 5
1.2 研究现状 5
1.3 研究意义 6
1.4 主要内容与结构安排 7
第二章 “互联网+”背景下特色轻食餐厅经营现状及问题 8
2.1 轻食文化与轻食餐厅 8
2.2 轻食餐厅特点及发展状况 8
2.3 轻食餐厅出现的问题 9
第三章 “互联网+”背景下特色轻食餐厅经营问题的原因 11
3.1 特色轻食理念尚未普及 12
3.2 网络营销意识相对淡薄 13
3.3 未进行客观的市场分析 13
第四章 “互联网+”背景下特色轻食餐厅经营效益提升对策 14
4.1 积极宣传推广轻食理念 14
4.2 特色轻食餐厅发挥“互联网+”营销优势 15
4.3 打造特色美味轻食菜品 15
4.4 提升轻食餐厅文化内涵 16
第五章 结束语 17
参考文献 18
致 谢 20