关键词:中小企业 客户关系管理 发展状况 解决方案
The research of Small and medium-sized enterprise customer relationship management
Customer relationship management (CRM) is through the management of customer information resources, to provide satisfactory products and services, and with customers to establish long-term, stable, mutual trust, reciprocity and mutual benefit, the close relationship between the dynamic process and the management idea.In recent years, along with the economic globalization and the rapid development of Internet technology, CRM has been greatly developed.This paper focuses on the study of small and medium-sized small enterprises to implement status, so as to promote customer relationship management theory and system in the development of small and medium-sized enterprises.
This article focuses on the application of CRM in small and medium enterprises in the found problems and provides the corresponding solutions, so as to promote CRM theory and system in the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. Based on the previous research on CRM theory and implementation based on the study of the influence factors, design the questionnaire, sampling survey in different regions of the country's small and medium-sized enterprises, thus the analysis of the current implementation of our country small and medium-sized enterprise CRM and summarizes the problems, finally find out the solutions to solve these problems.
At the end of the paper for the small and medium-sized enterprise problems encountered in the development of proposed the corresponding solution, the research of this paper hopes to promote CRM system is widely used in the small and medium-sized enterprises, to promote the small and medium-sized enterprises in the fierce competition in the steady development of our country.
Key Words: CRM small and medium enterprises status of development solution

摘要 I
目录 IV
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 论文研究背景与意义 1
1.2 国内外研究综述 2
1.2.1 国外客户关系管理理论综述 2
1.2.2 国内客户关系管理理论综述 3
1.3 论文主要研究方法及思路 4
1.3.1 研究方法 4
1.3.2 研究思路 4
第二章 客户关系管理的概念及对当代企业管理的作用 6
2.1 客户关系管理的概念 6
2.2 客户关系管理系统 6
2.3 客户关系管理系统数据库 7
2.4 客户关系管理系统的作用 8
2.4.1 CRM作用的企业管理层面分析 8
2.4.2 CRM作用的企业经营效益分析 10
第三章 中小企业客户关系管理实施调查与分析 11
3.1 中小企业的概念 11
3.2 中小企业的地位 11
3.3 目前国内中小企业客户关系管理(CRM)应用及发展状况 12
3.3.1 研究目的及问卷设计 12
3.3.2 问卷的发放与回收 12
3.3.2 中小企业CRM基本情况分析 13
3.3.4 中小企业对CRM管理情况满意度分析 17
3.3.5 中小企业对CRM应用成果满意度分析 20
3.4 中小企业在客户关系管理实施中存在的问题 22
3.4.1 企业层面上的CRM实施问题 22
3.4.2 CRM系统层面上的实施问题 26
第四章 中小企业客户关系管理实施优化方案 27
4.1 重视客户关系管理,将其融入企业文化 27
4.2 建立详细的客户资料,提高客户忠诚度 28
4.3 大力培养高层次人才,适应CRM发展要求 28
4.4 加强信息化管理建设,充分调配企业资源 29
4.5 慎重选择的CRM软件,提高管理实效 29
4.6 进行业务流程重组,完善CRM流程 30
结论 31
参考文献 32
附录一 33
附录二 37
附录三 41
致谢 46