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Kindergarten Intermediate language Activity Design­"The taste of the moon"
摘  要

   Language is a tool of thinking and communication. Childhood is the critical period of language development, so children's language education in the course of preschool education plays a vital role in the development of children language. Throughout all areas, has an important influence on other areas of learning and development. The event aims to encourage picture appreciation children bold imagination, observe the picture content, the characters in the story of the emotional experience, understand the content of the story. First, combining with the characteristics of children and life experience, through literature review, data collection, use of visual, listening, speaking, do it legally, questioning to complete kindergarten language activities. The taste of the moon ". Plan; secondly, from the theoretical basis, activity design of teaching objectives, teaching contents and activities to take the teaching methods and teaching strategies carried out comprehensive and in-depth analysis; finally, based on the teaching practice of reflection. Through this activity design, enrich the teaching design experience and organize the implementation of teaching experience further, the combination of theory and practice, and promote the professional development.
Key words: infant; language activities; the moon

目    录
摘  要    I
Abstract    II
一、前言    1
二、活动设计方案    1
(一)活动标题    1
(二)设计意图    1
(三)活动目标    2
(四)活动重点    3
(五)活动难点    3
(六)活动准备    3
(七)活动过程    3
(八)活动延伸    4
三、活动设计分析    5
(一)活动设计的理论基础    5
(二)活动设计中的目标分析    6
(三)活动设计中的活动准备分析    7
(四)活动设计中的内容分析    7
(五)活动设计中为解决活动重难点采取的主要教学方法或教学策略分析    8
四、活动设计反思    9
(一)活动预期的效果及存在问题    9
(二)活动设计中的优点与不足    9
(三)获得的启发或经验    9
五、结论    10
参考文献    III
致  谢    IV