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Cost Management Research on Greentown Real Estate Group
Abstract:  Cost control and management have been the main indemnification for enterprises to sustain development within the industry, and to withstand internal and external pressure. Along with the continuing development of the real estate industry and the increasing number of real estate  enterprises, cost management strategy has become particularly important for the Greentown Group to gain profit and maintain certain market share, under such intense competition.  As the improvement of housing quality would inevitably lead to a increase in cost, how to deploy the cost, how to reach a satisfactory equilibrium point between profit and market share, therefor, has become the key issue for Greentown Group, and even the whole  real estate industry.
Taking the Greentown Group as the research object, this paper will firstly identify the existing problems through analysis and evaluation of Greentown`s current cost management system, and then looking for a optimization program and corresponding countermeasures towards the status quo.
Key words:real estate; Greentown Group; cost management

摘要    2
关键词    2
英文摘要    2
英文关键词    2
前言    4
一  绿城集团概况    4
(一) 绿城集团基本情况介绍    4
(二) 绿城集团组织架构介绍    0
(三)绿城集团发展战略    1
1  财务战略    1
2  工程战略    1
二  绿城集团成本控制现状及存在的问题    2
(一)成本控制概述    2
(二)绿城集团成本控制现状    0
1  绿城集团成本管理思想的演变    0
2  绿城集团成本控制体系现状    1
3  绿城集团项目成本控制实例    2
(三)绿城集团成本控制存在的问题:    3
1  目标成本的制定缺乏合理性    3
2  招投标的价格高出预算    4
3  财务成本及管理成本超支严重    4
4  成本变动与国家政策调控不同步    4
5  未建立全员成本控制意识    5
6  组织结构不利于成本控制    5
7  成本电算化实施效果不够理想    6
三  绿城集团成本控制的对策及相应措施    6
(一)合理制定目标成本    6
(二)合理估计企业开发进度    6
(三)及时关注国家政策以便进行成本调整    7
(四)建立切实可行的目标成本考核    7
(五)调整企业组织结构便于成本控制    7
(六)加强信息化建设    8
四 启示    8
五 结束语    8
参考文献    9