提 要
第一部分 中国的经济发展状况;
第二部分 人民币升值给中国带来的利益;
第三部分 人民币升值中国所带来的弊端;
第四部分 中国对人民币升值而采取的对策;
关键词:人民币升值 汇率 进出口贸易
China's current rapid economic growth, the appreciation of the RMB increasing pressure. Many scholars have affirmed the positive impact brought by the appreciation of the RMB, think an appreciation of the RMB is good for the rapid growth of import trade, can reduce the pressure of debt servicing, good for China's overseas investment, and to strengthen the yuan to develop in the direction of international currency. In the face of the emerging deflationary trend since 2003, and scholars believe that the appreciation of the RMB can inhibit the current inflation. However, under the background of economic globalization, the negative impact of currency appreciation is also not allow to ignore. McKinnon and other scholars have pointed out, for example, Japan's economic recession in the 1990 s, because of the appreciation of a recession. To the problem of the appreciation of the RMB McKinnon stressed that in terms of whether the exchange rate appreciation, China should take Japan as example, and argues that the appreciation of the RMB is a dangerous bad advice. In this paper,discusses the influence of the appreciation of the RMB for China's economy and in view of the problem.
Keywords:appreciation of the RMB;exchange rate; import and export trade
目 录
一、引言 3
(一)中国的经济发展状况 3
1.中国的经济存在的问题及现状 3
二、人民币升值给中国带来的利益 3
(一)经济方面 3
1.减轻我国偿还外债的压力 3
2.提高了我国企业海外并购的能力 3
3.降低了我国进口商品的成本 3
4.利于出国学习和旅游,增强购买力 3
(二)政治方面 4
1.缓解了与发达国家贸易的冲突 4
2.有利于调整我国产业结构 4
3.扩大人民币流通 4
三、人民币升值中国所带来的弊端 5
(一)经济方面 5
1.出口问题 5
2.对外资的吸引力少 5
3.增大就业压力 5
4.对证劵的影响 5
(二)政治方面 6
1.因一些国家参与而可能导致金融危机 6
2.影响我国的长久发展 6
四、中国对人民币升值而采取的对策 7
(一)政府宏观调控方面 7
1.控制外汇储备规模,并使其得到合理利用 7
2.加强完善汇率市场机制 7
3.实行积极的财政和稳健的货币政策 7
4.将提高就业率、增加国民收入作为我国经济发展的长期战略目标 7
(二) 国家外贸政策方面 7
1.进一步扶持出口型企业的发展 7
2.下调出口退税率 8
3.增强我国企业的科技含量 8
4.实施走出去的策略 8
(三)国际合作方面 8
1.加强与周边国家的合作 8