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摘 要

In today's growing market economy, talent has become the core competitiveness,between enterprises want to obtain best for the company,employee must establish an effective incentive system.Should consider how to establish perfect incentive system,company actual situation and cultural level,the enterprise wants to develop must take effective incentive method combined enterprise development direction and employee growth direction,make the staff along the enterprise development.To formulate the reasonable talent incentive system is for the company training personnel,acceptance person, the best way to retain talent,also has realistic meaning very much.
Taking Da Qing ningjin company as the research background,combining with the relevant theory of incentives from the company material,spirit,training,promotion four aspects in the application of incentive theory,and analysis the company problems in the process of incentive theorycombining with the knowledge,the hong run da company incentive system put forward its own views and Suggestions,in order to benefit to the company.
Key words:  incentive theory;incentive;spiritual motivation;training;promotion
目  录
摘 要    I
Abstract    II
一、绪论    1
(一)激励机制研究    1
(二) 激励机制的作用    2
(三)激励机制的原则    3
二、现代企业员工激励的问题     4
(一)我国企业激励机制存在的现状    4
(二)我国企业激励机制的问题产生原因    5
三、现代企业员工激励的对策分析    6
(一)管理者要努力提高自身素质    6
(二)激励方式要多样化    6
(三)重视员工的精神需求    7
(四)通过建设企业文化激励员工    8
四、大庆市佞金房地产公司激励实践    9
(一)佞金房地产公司简介    9
(二)大庆佞金房地产开发有限公司激励机制的困扰    9
(三)大庆佞金房地产开发有限公司激励实践产生问题的原因分析    9
五、对大庆佞金公司运用激励理论进行管理的方案设计    12
(一)完善薪酬管理体系    12
(二)完善精神激励    13
(三)提高员工的培训力度    13
(四)完善公司晋升制度    14
结 论    16
致 谢    17
参考文献    18