摘 要
关键词 框架结构;建筑设计;结构设计;抗震设计;基础设计
The design of office building of Nanjing Branch of oil workers Dining Civic Center, the main building is 4 story frame structure. The design content includes architectural design and structural design. Architectural design portion includes floor plans, elevations, sections and architectural description. Structure design is done with a representational framework design. Structure calculation contents include load calculation, internal force calculation, internal force combination, cross section calculation etc.. After determining the calculation diagram, according to relevant design standards and regulations, The internal force of the structure under vertical load (dead load and live load) is calculated by moment distribution method, the representative value of gravity load is calculated, the free vibration period is solved by vertex displacement method, the horizontal seismic load is calculated by equivalent base shear method, the structural internal forces (moment, shear, axial force) under the action of horizontal earthquake and wind load are solved by the D value method. The internal forces are combined, then the section of beam and column is designed according to the most disadvantaged group or several groups of internal force. The internal forces are adjusted according to the principle of "strong column and weak beam, strong shear and weak bending". Then the floor slab and foundation are designed. Slab is designed according to two-way slabs. The single foundation under column is used. The design of foundation include the calculation of load calculation, the calculation of bearing capacity of foundation, punching calculation and the calculation of foundation reinforcement etc..
Keywords: frame structure; architectural design; structural design; seismic design; foundation design
1.1 气象资料
1.2 工程地质条件
建筑场地天然地面绝对标高25 m。天然地面下厚0.55m左右为人工杂填土,地基承载力标准值fak=65KPa,Es=1.8MPa,;其下为1.25m粉质粘土,fak=200KPa,Es=5.8MPa,qsa=50KPa;然后为粉砂,厚7~10m,fak=256KPa,Es=11.5MPa,qsa=87KPa。地下水位位于地表下0.75m,无侵蚀性。
1.3 建筑场地类别
第1章 结构选型与布置 4
1.1气象条件 4
1.2工程地质条件 4
1.3建筑场地类别 5
第2章 确定计算简图 6
2.1计算简图 6
2.2梁柱截面尺寸 6
2.3材料强度等级 6
2.4荷载计算 7
第3章 框架内力计算 17
3.1恒载作用下的框架内力 17
3.2各层内力计算 19
3.3活载作用下的框架内力 30
3.4地震作用下横向框架的内力计算 32
第4章 框架内力组合 41
第5章 框架梁、柱截面设计 46
第6章 楼梯设计 55
6.1 梯段板设计 55
6.2 休息平台设计 56
第7章 现浇楼面板设计 58
7.1 求支座中点最大弯矩 58
7.2 A区格 60
7.3 D区格 61
第8章 基础设计 63
8.1地基承载力计算及基础底面积确定 63
8.2 抗震验算 65
第9章 PKPM软件验算 70
参考文献 80
致谢 82
2.1 基础工程---------------------------------------------------------------2
2.2 土方回填施工--------------------------------------------------------5
2.3 主体施工工艺流程-------------------------------------------------5
2.4 模板工程----------------------------------------------------------------5
2.5 钢筋工程施工--------------------------------------------------------11
2.6 混凝土工程----------------------------------------------------------16
2.7 脚手架及安全防护施工方案--------------------------------------19
5.1 技术准备-------------------------------------------------------------------24
5.2 施工现场准备-------------------------------------------------------------24
5.3 施工机械设备准备------------------------------------------------------24
7.1 隐蔽验收计划------------------------------------------------------------- 26
7.2 施工测量质量控制措施-------------------------------------------------28
7.3 主体结构工程质量控制措施------------------------------------------29