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摘  要
The joints of steel structures are complex and weak, and play a vital role in the whole structure. Therefore, it is of certain significance to study the nodes of steel structures. In this paper, the steel truss bridge is taken as the research background. The finite element model of steel truss bridge is established by ANSYS software. The whole force is analyzed, the force of each part is determined, and the key nodes are selected for 3D solid finite element analysis. The mechanism of plastic failure, and the design of anti-plastic failure, the best reinforcement scheme is obtained by comparing the reinforcement measures such as stiffeners, steel plates and connecting plates.
The analysis results show that the maximum displacement of the steel truss bridge occurs at the mid-span position, and the smaller displacement indicates that the structure has greater stiffness; the maximum internal force of the structure occurs at the end, and the shearing force of the rod is small. Through the finite element analysis of the key nodes, the extended feature of the plastic zone of the joint is obtained: the joint between the branch pipe and the main pipe first yields, and the plastic zone is formed and gradually spreads to the periphery until the node undergoes obvious plastic deformation. In this paper, three-dimensional models of various reinforcement measures are established, such as setting stiffeners, pasting steel plates and adding joints. Research shows that the best reinforcement effect is to increase the joint value. Under the same conditions, the maximum stress value of this method is reduced by 10.3 %, followed by the provision of stiffeners at the branch, the maximum stress value was reduced by 6.5%, and the effect of the bonded steel plate was the worst, only 0.9%.
Keywords:Steel truss bridge; Integral joints; Finite element analysis; Plastic failure; Reinforcement measures
第1章绪论    1
1.1研究背景    1
1.1.1选题背景及意义    1
1.1.2整体节点概述    1
1.2国内外研究现状    2
1.3主要内容及研究方法    4
1.3.1主要内容    4
1.3.2研究方法    4
1.4论文框架    5
第2章非线性理论与有限元法    6
2.1概述    6
2.2几何非线性问题    6
2.3材料非线性问题    7
2.4 ANSYS有限元软件介绍    10
2.4.1 ANSYS优势    10
2.4.2 APDL简介    11
2.4.3非线性分析    11
2.5本章小结    11
第3章钢桁架桥静力分析    13
3.1结构体系与设计参数    13
3.2钢桁架桥结构分析计算    13
3.2.1分析内容    13
3.2.2计算模型    14
3.2.3荷载效应    15
3.2.4结构静力分析计算    15
3.3本章小结    22
第4章节点有限元模型建立    23
4.1研究节点的选取    23
4.2矩形钢管节点承载力计算    23
4.3有限元模型建立过程    24
4.3.1单元选取    24
4.3.2本构关系    25
4.3.3网格划分    25
4.3.4边界条件和耦合情况    26
4.4本章小结    27
第5章节点塑性破坏机理分析    28
5.1节点受力分析    28
5.1.1塑性区的扩展情况    28
5.1.2荷载位移曲线    30
5.2本章小结    30
第6章节点抗塑性破坏设计    32
6.1加劲肋的设置对节点应力的影响    32
6.2粘贴钢板对节点应力的影响    33
6.3增加连接板对节点应力的影响    34
6.4本章小结    35
第7章结论与展望    36
7.1结论    36
7.2展望    36
参考文献    38
致谢    40