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摘  要

The tender documents are issued by tender to suppliers or contractors designed to provide the information required for the preparation of tender documents and  the written document of informed bidding in accordance with the rules and procedures etc…The graduation design for the golden lotus tea village A5 residential  building tender documents,including that caused by the bidders,tender notes,the terms of the contract price of tender control composed of four parts of quantity survey,project cost calculations and tender documents preparation are  familiar with the formation process of the project cost to master the knowledge of the bidding .
Control  the price of the tender of the project using a Bill of Quantities mode,it is a mainstream from of construction project bidding with a fixed difference between valuation relative to pricing,is currently used by the bill of quantities of the part of the project,list of action items,regulations fees and  taxes,the list of items,As the bill of quantities is independent determine Quantity machine consumption and independently determine the quantity machine unit price,phase separation, making its offer to the market price of the essential characteristics of its list of quantities and pricing of quantities .

Key word : Tender document  Resilience detailed valuation  Terms of the contract  Tender control price 
目  录
摘  要    I
Abstract    II
目  录    III
第一章 致投标人    1
第二章 投标人须知    2
2.1 投标须知前附表    2
2.1.1投标须知前附表一    2
2.1.2投须知前附表二    3
2.1.3投标须知前附件    4
2.2投标须知    6
2.2.1总则    6
2.2.2招标文件    7
2.2.3开标    8
2.2.4评标    8
2.2.5中标通知书    10
2.2.6合同的授予    10
第三章 合同条款    12
3.1通用合同条款    12
3.2专用合同条款    12
第四章 招标控制价    15
4.1单位工程招标控制价汇总表    15
4.2分部分项工程量清单计价表    16
4.3措施项目清单计价表    18
4.4规费、税金项目清单计价表    20
参考文献    21
致谢    22