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How to improve construction management level   

The rapid rise in real estate with a huge economic impact, but also on the level of economic development of the industry has brought unprecedented impact. Attached to the real estate industry go hand in hand building construction industry, ushered in unprecedented challenges and opportunities. Construction enterprises in order to occupy in such an economic environment, a place, not just relying on a strong financial operations, more important is the construction technology project can achieve technological leap in effective and flexible management, accounting industry advantage. Building construction technology management throughout the entire process of enterprise projects, is essential for the construction of an important part of the enterprise, has important significance. Since the state-building rapid economic development, so the competition among construction companies has become increasingly fierce. Enhance the management level of construction technology helps to reduce the production cost of the project; help improve the quality of construction projects; to help improve the economic efficiency of enterprises; construction process helps to avoid the occurrence of all kinds of accidents and the like.
In this paper, the status of the current building construction technology and insufficient for analysis, depth to explore building construction technology management in the actual implementation how to do effectively improved. Article importance of building construction technology management to elaborate, based on years of experience in engineering and construction technology management on how to improve the building construction technology management level of the measures carried out research and exploration strategy.
Keywords: construction; construction technology; management level

摘要    1
Abstract    2
目录    3
1. 绪论    4
1.1 选题背景    4
1.2 课题的目的及意义    4
1.3 课题任务、重点研究内容    5
2.建筑工程施工技术概述    5
2.1 建筑工程施工技术概念    5
2.2 提升建筑工程施工技术管理水平的重要性    5
3. 建筑工程施工技术现状及存在的问题    6
3.1施工管理责任划分不清晰    6
3.2 工程施工过程管理不严格    6
3.3监督审查职能不重视    7
4. 提升建筑施工技术管理水平的有效对策    7
4.1 规划合理,明确各方职责    7
4.2 过程加强管理,严格遵守制度    8
4.3 重视审查职能,提升管理水平    8
4.4 企业创新发展,增强技术水平    8
结语    9
参考文献    9
致  谢    10