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摘  要


This thesis tell the design processes of a multi-storey building in the south mainly。It is a six-layer reinforced concrete frame. It has six stories, the height of the first storey is 3.90 meters, and the height of other stories are all 3.0 meters. The height of the whole building is 21.9meters.
The multi-storey building belong to public buildings of civil building, in design of calculating consulting more relevant booklists, and finished according to the design specification of the building strictly. This design is divided into two major parts mainly:
 The first part is the architectural design。The architectural design is on the premise of master plan, according to the request of task book, considering the base environment synthetically, the function of use, the structure constructs, material equipment, architectural design and artistic question of the building , solve the function of use of the building and arrangement in the space. Whether according to concept design of building, principle policy of building,the design should finish the following aspects. The overall arrangement of the building , the elementary cell is designed, the public part is designed, the space is made up and designed, the roofing is designed, the elevation design of the building and building fire prevention and design etc..
 The second part is structural design. Structural design is consisted by calculation of wind load ,design of frame, stair design, board design with the foundation designing etc. making up. Should build provide fortification against earthquakes earthquake intensity 7 , antidetonation grade for being tertiary , consider horizontal earthquake function impact on horizontal frame and apply the method of for force calculate ,Vertical to load function, horizontal frame internal force calculate and adopt the method of to assign France, and internal force make up vertical to is it make up and not vertical to load with earthquaKe strength setting a  roof  beam  in  place  to  frame
 Keywords: reinforced concrete, frame, the design of the structure
1.2 建筑设计资料

1.3 基本数据
1.3.1 气象条件摘要

1.3.2 材料确定

2.1 结构承重方案选择
2.2 主要构件选型及尺寸初步估算
2.2.1 主要构件选型


目  录
前 言    1
第1章 建筑设计    2
1.1工程名称和背景    2
1.2建筑设计资料    2
1.3基本数据    3
1.3.1气象条件摘要    3
1.3.2材料确定    3
第二章.结构布置方案及结构选型    4
2.1结构承重方案选择    4
2.2主要构件选型及尺寸初步估算    4
2.2.1主要构件选型    4
2.2.2梁﹑柱截面尺寸估算    4
2.3确定结构计算简图    6
2.3.1三个假设    6
2.3.2计算简图    6
2.4梁﹑柱惯性矩,线刚度,相对线刚度计算    8
2.4.1梁﹑柱惯性矩计算    8
2.4.2梁﹑柱线刚度计算    9
2.4.3梁﹑柱相对线刚度计算    9
第三章 荷载统计    10
3.1永久荷载标准值计算    10
3.1.1屋面恒载    10
3.1.2楼面恒载    10
3.1.3梁自重    10
3.1.4柱自重    11
3.1.5墙自重及两面抹灰    11
3.2作用在框架梁上的恒载    11
3.2.1楼面荷载分配    12
3.2.2顶层    12
3.2.3屋面框架梁线荷载标准值    13
3.2.4屋面框架节点集中荷载标准值    14
3.2.5标准层    15
3.2.6楼面框架梁线荷载标准值    16
3.2.7楼面框架节点集中荷载标准值    17
3.3竖向可变荷载    19
3.3.1荷载规范    19
3.3.2屋面活载标准值计算    19
3.3.3屋面框架节点集中荷载标准值    20
3.3.4楼面活载标准值计算    21
3.3.5楼面框架节点集中荷载标准值    22
3.4风荷载标准值计算    23
3.5 水平地震作用计算    24
3.5.1 重力荷载代表值(恒载+0.5活载)    24
3.5.2水平地震作用计算    25
第四章 内力分析    29
4.1水平地震作用下的框架内力计算    29
4.1.1计算依据    29
4.1.2计算结果    29
4.2风荷载作用下的位移验算及内力计算    28
4.2.1风荷载作用下的位移验算    28
4.2.2.风荷载作用下的内力计算    29
4.3恒载作用下框架的内力分析    33
4.3.1恒载作用下框架的弯矩计算    33
4.3.2.剪力计算    42
4.4活荷载作用下框架的内力分析计算    49
4.4.1楼面活载作用下框架的弯矩计算    51
4.4.2剪力计算    55
4.4.3柱轴力计算    58
第五章 框架结构的内力组合    62
5.1框架结构梁内力组合    62
5.1.1框架结构梁的内力组合    62
5.1.2梁端截面组合的弯矩、剪力设计值调整    64
5.2框架结构柱的内力组合    64
5.2.1框架结构柱的内力组合    64
5.2.2柱端弯矩、剪力设计值调整    69
第六章框架结构的截面设计    71
6.1框架梁的正、斜截面配筋计算    71
6.1.1正截面受弯承载力计算    71
6.1.2斜截面受弯承载力计算    80
6.2框架柱截面设计    82
6.2.1B柱截面设计    82
6.2.2柱斜截面受弯承载力计算    88
6.2.3柱剪跨比和轴压比的验算    90
第七章 基础设计    91
7.1确定基础尺寸    91
7.2确定地基净反力    92
7.3确定基础高度    92
7.4底板配筋    93
第八章 屋盖设计    95
8.1荷载计算    95
8.2弯矩计算    96
8.2.1边区格板A计算    96
8.2.2中区格板B计算    97
8.2.3边区格板C计算    97
8.2.4中区格板D计算    98
8.2.5边区格板E计算    99
8.2.6区格板F计算    100
8.2.7区格板G计算    100
8.2.8区格板H计算    101
8.2.9区格板I计算    102
结  论    104
致  谢    105
参考文献    106