摘 要
Car lifting tailboard is a kind of vehicle mounted hydraulic lifting loading and unloading equipment mounted on the rear or side of the vehicle. It is an automatic and environmental protection and energy saving mechanical product with the vehicle's own battery as a dynamic machine, electricity and liquid. In the process of loading and unloading of goods, stable, safe, fast, efficient, labor-saving, and without the limits of the site, equipment and manpower, only a manual forklift device can be used to complete the loading and unloading of the goods.
This dissertation introduces the domestic international situation and development trend of the car lifting tailboard. From the system analysis and design, the hydraulic system design calculation and the SolidWorks 3D modeling, the lifting tailboard of the established parameters is designed and the strength stiffness stability is calculated and the overall drawing and part of the part drawings are generated. In view of the above design requirements, the hydraulic cylinder hydraulic rod corresponding size is calculated and appropriate hydraulic components are selected, including various hydraulic valves, hydraulic pumps, motors, etc.
The main function of this hydraulic system is to transfer power and ensure enough power is the basic requirement. Besides, the stability, safety and reliability of the system should also be considered.
Besides the functionality, safety and stability of the automobile tail plate as a whole, its economy and environmental protection need to be analyzed.
China has just implemented the standardization policy of the automobile hydraulic lifting tailboard. At present, the demand of the domestic market is huge. This dissertation will analyze the market prospect of the automobile tail plate according to the market research results of the automobile tail plate.
Key words: lifting mechanism, hydraulic system, design calculation

目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究背景 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 课题研究内容 2
第2章 汽车起重尾板机构机械结构设计 4
2.1 汽车起重尾板机构方案确定 4
2.2 汽车尾部参数 5
2.3 汽车起重尾板尺寸设计 5
2.4 油缸尺寸设计 7
2.5 尾板受力分析 8
第3章 液压系统设计计算 12
3.1 设计思想 12
3.2 液压原理图 12
3.3 举升油缸的设计 13
3.3.1 液压缸内径计算 13
3.3.2 液压缸体厚度计算 13
3.3.3 活塞杆直径设计 14
3.4 关门油缸的设计 15
3.4.1 液压缸内径计算 15
3.4.2 液压缸体厚度计算 15
3.4.3 活塞杆直径设计 16
3.5 活塞的选择 16
3.6 导向套的选择 17
3.7 端盖和缸底的选择 17
3.8 缸体长度的确定 18
3.9 缓冲装置和排气装置的选择 18
3.9.1 缓冲装置的选择 18
3.9.2 排气装置的选择 18
3.10 防尘装置 19
3.11 液压泵的选取 19
第4章 电动机、液压元件的选择 21
4.1 电动机的选择 21
4.1.1 差动快进 21
4.1.2 快退 22
4.1.3 工进 22
4.1.4 电动机型号确定 23
4.2 液压元件的选择 23
4.2.1 过滤器及液压阀的选择 23
4.2.2 油管的选择 24
4.2.3 油箱容量的选择 24
第5章 液压系统性能校验 25
5.1 液压系统的升温发热校验 25
5.2 压力损失验算和油泵压力调整 26
5.2.1 工进状态下的压力损失验算和小泵压力调整 26
5.2.2 快退状态下的压力损失验算和大泵压力调整 26
第6章 经济性、环保性分析 29
6.1 汽车起重尾板的经济性 29
6.2 汽车起重尾板的环保性 30
第7章 总结与展望 31
参考文献 32
致谢 33