摘 要
关键词:双作用筒式减振器 结构 工作原理 设计计算 校核
This paper designed a suitable shock absorber for Peugeot 307 car front macpherson suspension.When the car driving on rough road surface, there will be vibrationcaused by shock .Elastic element can cushion the vibration, but willalso take longer to disappearing.Absorber can have the effect of rapid attenuation of vibration.Classification of shock absorber is numerous, and each has its advantages and disadvantages of all kinds of shock absorber, the design chose the highest ratio of double-acting shock absorber as design objects.
Thesis mainly studies the structure and working principle of double-acting shock absorber, according to the national standard and some empirical formulas for the main performance parameters of the shock absorber and the dimensional parameters of the main components are calculated and determined, and to determine the size of the damping force the valve system for the design.Valve system design using Matlab software, based on to determine the parameters of the first to map the ideal shock absorber damping force and speed characteristic curve, and then established for stroke and the compress stroke in stretching and compression valves open and open after the mathematical model of the mathematical model can also draw a damping force changes with speed curve, as close as possible to make this two curve, which can determine the parameters for the various sizes of valve system.Finally, with the knowledge of the mechanics of materials for the main shock absorber piston rod and the cylinder strength and stability of the mechanical parts for checking.
The design of the shock absorber can meet the requirements for the selected models, to the design of double-acting shock absorber has a certain guiding role.
Key word:Doubleacting cylinder shock absorber; Stucture ;The working principle;Design and calculate;check
表3.1 标致307参数配置表
车长*车宽*车高(mm) 4481*1746*1526
轴距(mm) 2612
前轮距/后轮距(mm) 1505/1489
整备质量(kg) 1290
满载质量(kg) 1723
最小离地间隙(mm) 122

目 录
第1章绪论 1
1.1设计的目的和意义 1
1.2减振器在国内外的发展状况 1
1.3 设计的要求、基本内容和技术路线 3
1.3.1 减振器设计要求 3
1.3.2 设计的基本内容 4
1.3.3 本次设计的技术路线 4
第2章双筒液压减振器的结构和工作原理 5
2.1 双作用筒式减振器的结构 5
2.2双作用筒式减振器的工作原理 6
2.3本章小结 7
第3章 双作用筒式减振器的设计 8
3.1 减振器主要性能参数的确定 8
3.1.1 相对阻尼系数 的确定 9
3.1.2 减振器阻尼系数 的确定 9
3.1.3 最大卸荷力 确定 10
3.2 减振器主要尺寸参数的确定 10
3.2.1 减振器工作缸直径D、壁厚 和材料的确定 10
3.2.2 减振器储油缸直径 、壁厚 及材料的确定 11
3.2.3 减振器活塞杆直径 、长度 和材料的确定 12
3.2.4 减振器活塞尺寸的确定 12
3.3 减振器阀系的设计 12
3.3.1 伸张行程数学模型的建立 12
3.3.2 压缩行程数学模型的建立 14
3.3.3 减振器各阀系尺寸参数的确定.................................................................16
3.4 减振器导向器总成的设计 21
3.4.1 导向器总成的组成和设计要求 21
3.4.2 减振器导向座长度 的确定 21
3.5 减振器上、下吊环的设计.....................................................................................21
3.6 减振器油液的选择................................................................................................22
3.7 本章小结................................................................................................................23
第4章 减振器主要受力部件的校核 24
4.1 活塞杆的校核 24
4.1.1 活塞杆强度的校核 24
4.1.2 活塞杆压杆稳定性的校核 24
4.2 缸筒的校核 25
4.3 本章小结 25
第5章 全文总结 26
参考文献 27
附录 28