摘 要
This paper studies and designs the steering system for a single axle light truck in Dongfeng, and simulates it with CATIA software. According to the design requirements of the light truck steering gear, it is entirely possible to consider using a purely mechanical steering without involving a power steering system. At the beginning of the design, according to the design requirements, the four mechanical steering gear for a comprehensive analysis, for the selected models, consider the use of diverter advantages, shortcomings, including the cost, including the factors and other, The rack-type steering gear is the main body of this design. Followed by the choice of rack and pinion input and output form, and its structural parameters, and its check. Finally, according to the data checked CATIA mapping, assembly, and then transform the three-dimensional map into a two-dimensional map.
The results show that the rack and pinion type steering gear is suitable for single bridge light truck, and pure mechanical steering gear can meet the requirements of light goods vehicles, you can not install the booster mechanism. The assistants are present in difficult-to-turn, heavy-duty vehicles or passenger cars with strict requirements for comfort.
This article is a major feature of the theory with practice, will turn to the system into the depth of analysis, and then the design, calculation, drawing.
Key Words:Steering system;Mechanical Type Steering Gear and Gear Rack;CATIA;CAD

摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 汽车转向系概述 1
1.2 国内外转向系统概述 2
第2章机械转向系统的性能要求及参数 4
2.1 机械转向系统的结构组成 4
2.2 转向系统的性能要求 5
2.3 转向系的效率 5
2.4 传动比特性及其变化特性 7
2.5 传动间隙的确定 9
第3章转向器设计方案的选择 11
3.1 转向器类型选择 11
3.2 转向器的设计流程 11
3.2.1 齿轮齿条式转向器的结构选取 11
3.2.2 转向器的布置 12
3.2.3 车型选取及转向轮偏角计算 13
3.2.4 转向器参数选取与计算 14
3.2.5转向器材料选择 17
第4章 齿轮齿条转向器数据校核 18
4.1 齿条的强度计算 18
4.1.1 齿条受力分析 18
4.1.2 齿条齿部弯曲强度的计算 19
4.2 齿轮的强度校核 19
4.2.1 齿面接触疲劳强度校核 19
4.2.2 齿轮齿根弯曲疲劳强度计算 21
第5章 CATIA模型建立 23
第6章 总结 26
参考文献 27
致 谢 28