摘 要
As people's lives become richer and richer, various types of service equipment also appear in various places. For a modern city, a clean environment is an essential basic condition for building a civilized city. Various cities are making great efforts to select civilized cities. The dry-wet integrated cleaning vehicle designed in this paper can be used as a portable device for cleaning large indoor spaces. Is very popular in these modern cities.
As an important cleaning equipment, dry-wet integrated cleaning vehicles play a very important role in the cleaning of shopping malls and other places. This article makes a systematic design for a dry and wet integrated cleaning vehicle. The main task is to design and analyze the mechanical mechanism of the cleaning vehicle, and select and calculate the transmission mechanism and power mechanism. Analyze and design a cleaning vehicle that can meet the cleaning requirements. The cleaning vehicle mainly consists of a moving mechanism, a cleaning mechanism, a rotating mechanism, and a lifting mechanism. Different institutions are responsible for different functions. The main content of this article is the design and calculation of the cleaning mechanism, and the realization of a series of functions such as sweeping, suction, dragging, and drying of the mop.
The main content of this article includes designing cleaning tools and suction tools based on the characteristics of indoor garbage. Secondly, there should be certain requirements for the driving mechanism of vehicles, as the indoor environment is relatively narrow and there are many personnel. Therefore, it is necessary to design a more flexible and slow moving cleaning vehicle. Then, the realization of the vehicle floor dragging function and the drying function will focus multiple functions on a single car.
Key words: cleaning car, integration of dry and wet, design
项目 规格
电源 三元锂电池72V30A
电动机 Y132M-4
工作速度 1400r/min
行驶速度 9km/h
外形尺寸 1600mm*800mm*800mm

第一章 绪论 1
1.1引言 1
1.2国内外研究现状和发展 2
1.3本文的研究目的与任务 2
1.4本文的研究手段与方法 2
第二章 总体方案设计 4
2.1清洁车主体分析 4
2.2候车厅清洁车的底盘 4
2.3候车厅清洁车吸扫方式 5
2.4候车厅清洁车行走系 5
第三章 主要零部件的设计 7
3.1技术参数选择与计算 7
3.2干湿一体化清洁车功率的分配 7
3.3行走系统功率需求分析 8
3.4风机运转所需功率分析 8
3.5齿轮的主要参数设计 8
第四章 减速箱输出轴的设计计算 12
4.1选择材料,决定最小直径 12
4.2轴的结构设计 12
4.3轴向定位 13
4.4轴上的周向定位 13
4.5求作用在齿轮轴上的力 13
第五章 其他工作配件的设计 15
总结 16
致 谢 17
参考文献 18