摘 要
Cutting process is one of the most fundamental processes in mechanical processing, and it is a direct adjustment of the product. Rough machining of products is achieved through cutting. Since the 13th century, cutting equipment has been introduced and actively applied in various material processing industries. With the differentiation of processed products, different materials require different cutting processes for product processing, and multiple branches of research on cutting equipment have emerged.
Stone is a natural hard material and one of the traditional decorations in China. The decoration of stone tools not only has a relatively durable quality, but also serves as a symbol of the inheritance of Chinese culture. This article mainly studies a cutting equipment for stone materials. This device can conveniently cut stone at an arc angle, which is of great help for the artistic processing of stone. It also has the intention of promoting the development of the stone decoration market.
The main content of this article is the overall research on the cutting equipment for circular stone railings, which is mainly divided into the overall structure of the equipment, transmission system, and cutting system. The arc cutting equipment designed in this article mainly adopts the design of a multi axis mechanical arm, which is divided into a large arm, a small arm, and a cutting machine head. Through the mutual linkage of multiple arms, different radians of stone can be cut.
Keywords: cutting equipment, stone, multi axis linkage

摘 要 1
1 绪 论 1
2 总体方案设计 1
2.1 设计任务抽象化 1
2.1.1 确定工艺路线,画出工艺路线图 2
2.2 切割设备的工作原理 2
2.3 切割设备传动方式的确定 2
2.4 总体方案评价 3
2.4.1 功能分解,画出功能树 3
2.4.2 确定功能机构 3
2.4.3方案评价 4
3 切割设备的传动部分设计 5
3.1 设计基本要求 5
3.2 机构设计 6
3.3 驱动系统选型 6
3.4 承载能力计算 7
3.4.1 柔轮齿面的接触强度的计算 7
3.4.2 柔轮疲劳强度的计算 7
3.4.3 轴的计算校核 8
3.5大小齿轮的设计 10
3.5.1浮动切割设备用大小齿轮的材料 10
3.5.2 大齿圈直径的确定 11
3.5.3 齿形的确定 11
3.5.4 模数的确定 12
3.5.5齿轮强度校核 12
3.5.6大小齿轮速比的确定 14
3.5.7齿数的确定 15
3.5.8齿轮各部分几何尺寸的计算 15
3.5.9齿圈与磨体的联接 16
3.5.10大齿圈的结构设计 16
3.6轴的设计 18
3.6.1选择轴的材料 18
3.6.2输出轴上的功率 ,转速 和扭矩 19
3.6.3求作用在齿轮上的力 19
3.6.4轴径的初步估算 19
3.6.5小齿轮轴的结构设计 20
3.6.6 轴的强度的精确校核 20
3.6.7连接轴的结构设计 22
3.7传动轴承的计算与选型 22
3.7.1轴承的选用原则 22
3.7.2轴承校核 23
3.8键的设计 23
3.9轴承盖的设计 24
四、切割机构末端结构设计 26
4.1 结构设计与校核 26
结 论 34
参考文献 35