Finite Element Analysis of Pressure Piping With Cracks
The application of pressure pipeline is widely used in the world, and the fracture mechanics is the theoretical basis of the safety evaluation. Based on fracture mechanics and finite element analysis, the fracture parameters of a straight pipe with a circumferential crack and a through crack have been calculated and studied. With ABAQUS software the fracture behavior of pipe containing circumferential penetrating crack and double penetration cracks was simulated. The finite element model was established. Finite element analysis and solution of the straight pipe were made to obtaine the limit load and J integral. In this dissertation, the stress and strain fields, stress intensity factors, and ultimate load analysis of single and double cracks were studied. Through the comparison of the stress intensity factor and the ultimate load of single and double cracks, some regular conclusions were obtained.
Key words: circumferential through crack; finite element method; limit load; J integral

摘要 I
Abstract I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 断裂力学 1
1.3极限载荷的研究 2
1.4 J积分理论 3
1.5 本文主要研究的内容 5
第二章 含环向穿透裂纹直管的研究 6
2.1 有限元分析 6
2.1.1有限元软件介绍 6
2.1.2有限元分析过程 6
2.1.3 模型的建立 6
2.2 模型的建立 7
2.3 极限载荷计算分析 10
2.4 J积分的分析和比较 13
2.4.1 沿壁厚方向J积分的变化 13
2.4.2 不同角度裂纹J积分的比较 15
2.5 小结 15
第三章 含双穿透裂纹直管的研究 16
3.1 双穿透裂纹直管有限元分析 16
3.2 极限载荷的分析比较 17
3.3 J积分的分析及比较 18
3.3.1 沿壁厚方向J积分的变化 18
3.3.2 不同角度裂纹J积分的比较 22
3.4 双裂纹管道与单裂纹管道断裂参数的比较 24
3.4.1 极限载荷的比较 24
3.4.2 J积分的比较 25
3.5 小结 26
第四章 结论与展望 27
参考文献 28
致谢 30