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摘  要


With the fossil fuel is reduced, the energy issue has become the development of national economy and the important problems of human survival, development and utilization of renewable energy imminent. Wind energy is a clean, abundant reserves of renewable energy, it will not be reduced with its own transformation and use, can be said to be an inexhaustible, be inexhaustible energy. Because of its environmental benefits of wind power, wind farm construction cycle short, covers an area of small, widely concerned by the whole world, our country also is to study the wind power generation technology.
This paper has done the following work : first, determine the mechanical structure of the speed increasing box. Large transmission adopts miniaturization and cylindrical gear planetary plus comprehensive planet two cylindrical gear transmission gear ratio, according to the given work environment variables determine the gear parameters and the transmission part structure secondly, using the return difference analysis possible effects of backlash on the return difference and gear in the three kinds of error sources ( inherent error, the error of gear device, other errors), and detailed calculations of the levels of transmission of the return difference size, validate the structure accuracy allocation, is proposed to decrease the error measures. Application of 3D software Pro\/E to establish the growth model of the system, analyze the strength of key parts by using the finite element software ANSYS.
Keywords:wind power generation system;growth;planetary transmission;hysteresis;contact analysis
1、选择确定传动方案  传动方案的确定包括传动类型和传动简图的确定。此次设计的增速器传动比达到134,只有通过不断地比较和分析去合理的选择一种传动方案,尽量降低增速器的体积和重量。
2、设计计算  每级传动机构的设计计算,都大致包括:传动比的分配,传动系统运动学和动力学计算,传动零件的设计,轴的设计计算与校核,轴的选择与计算,键连接的选择与计算,箱体的设计,润滑与密封的选择和传动装置。


目  录
摘  要    I
Abstract    II
目  录    III
1  绪论    1
1.1课题背景    1
1.2研究的目的和意义    1
1.3风力发电在国内外的研究现状    1
1.3.1国外风力发电机的发展现    1
1.3.2我国风力发电现状    2
1.4风力发电机系统    3
1.4.1风力发电机简介    3
1.5风力发电机的结构简介    3
1.6风力发电机增速系统简介    4
1.7课题研究的主要内容    4
2  增速装置的结构设计    6
2.1传动方案的确定    6
2.23Z(II)型行星齿轮增速器装置设计    8
2.3设计计算    8
2.3.1选取行星齿轮传动的传动类型和传动简图    8
2.3.2配齿计算    8
2.3.3初步计算齿轮的主要参数    9
2.3.4啮合参数计算    9
2.3.5几何尺寸计算    12
2.3.6装配条件的计算    14
2.3.7传动效率的计算    15
2.3.8结构设计    16
2.3.9齿轮强度验算    19
3齿轮传动的回差分析    24
3.1侧隙与回差的关系及来源    24
3.1.1侧隙的分类    24
3.1.2不同侧隙的关系    25
3.3本章小结    26
4  中心轮和行星轮齿面接触分析    27
4.1齿轮接触有限元算法    27
4.2接触分析    28
4.2.1齿轮接触有限元模型    28
4.2.2齿轮副齿面接触应力求解    29
4.2.3ABAQUS三维接触分析结果    29
4.3本章小结    30
5  总结    32
参考文献    33