在原动机和工作机或执行机构之间起匹配转速和传递转矩作用的就是减速机,它相对来说比较精密。使用的目的是降低机器的转速,增加机器的转矩。它是一种由封闭在刚性壳体内的齿轮传动、齿轮-蜗杆传动所组成的独立部件,常常用在原动件与工作机之间的减速装置 。在原动机和工作机之间担任着不可小觑的作用,在机械中有极为广泛的应用。它是工业诸多领域的机械传动装置,行业涉及的产品类别包括了各类齿轮减速机、行星齿轮减速机及蜗杆减速机,也包括了各种专用装置,如增加速度的装置、调节速度的装置、还有包括柔性传动装置在内的各类传动装置等。按照级数可分为单级和多级减速机;按照形状可分为圆柱齿减速机、圆锥齿减速机和圆锥-圆柱齿引轮减速机;按照分布形式又可分为展开式、分流式和同进轴式减速机。
关键词 : 减速器 设计 分析
Including many, often by a torque of reducer is in the original motivation and working machine or execution mechanism between matching speed and torque transfer function, it is relatively more sophisticated. To reduce the machine speed, increase the machine. It is enclosed in a rigid shell body of the gear transmission, gear - worm transmission, which is composed of independent components used in the motivity and work machine deceleration device. In the original motivation and working machine as a force to be reckoned with in machinery has a very extensive application. It is an industrial area of mechanical transmission device, the industry involved in the products of all kinds of gear reducer, planetary gear reducer and cochlear Rod reducer, including the various special equipment, such as increase the speed of the device and speed regulating device, including flexible transmission device, including all kinds of transmission device. According to the series can be divided into single stage and multi-stage reducers; divided according to the shape of cylindrical gear, circular bevel gear reducer and cone cylindrical gear lead wheel reducer; according to the distribution form and can be divided into type, shunt type and the same shaft type speed reducer.
Our country's reducer industry development history is close to 40 years, both in that industry, reducer products are widely applied. Industry of of all kinds are to have and the temptation. Because of the great market demand it gave birth to the fierce competition in the industry. In the fierce market competition, the reducer industry must accelerate the elimination of backwardness has production capacity, vigorously develop energy-efficient products, make full use of the national energy-saving products Huimin project policy opportunities, by the strength of product updates to increase, product structure to adjust, but also should pay attention to the national industrial policy, to deal with the complicated and changeable economic environment that will allow the industry to maintain the good momentum of development. Design and design of the three cylindrical gear reducer, and its stress analysis.
Key words: reducer design analysis
展开式硬齿面圆柱齿轮减速器 如图2.1主有两大系列,平行轴系列和垂直轴系列。平行轴减速器是按国家标准(GBl9004—88)生产,它主要包括ZDY(单级)、ZLY(两级)、ZSY(三级)和ZFY(四级)四大系列,垂直轴减速器是按国家标准(JB/T9002—1999)生产,主要在输入轴与输出轴呈垂直方向布置,它主要包括DBY、DCY和DFY三大系列。此次设计的是三级展开式硬齿面圆柱齿轮减速器(ZYS280-25-108)。

目 录
第一章 圆柱齿轮减速器简介........................................................................6
第二章 三级圆柱齿轮减速器总体设计......................................................9
第三章 三级圆柱齿轮减速器设计要求.......................................................10
第四章 传动装置运动和动力参数的计算...................................................13
4.1 选择电动机和传动比的分配..................................................................13
4.2 传动系统的运动和动力参数计算............................................................13
第五章 齿轮设计计算与校核.......................................................................15
第六章 轴的设计...........................................................................................25
第七章 滚动轴承的校核...............................................................................31
第八章 箱体的设计计算...............................................................................33
第九章 三级圆柱齿轮减速器的有限元分析...............................................35
9.1 Ⅰ轴、Ⅱ轴、Ⅲ轴、Ⅳ轴的有限元分析...................................................35
9.2 齿轮的有限元分析.............................................................................37
第十章 三级圆柱齿轮减速器仿真分析.......................................................39
总 结.............................................................................................................40
谢 辞.............................................................................................................43