本次定截距型轴类形状零件上料仓设计的一般过程, 对今后的选型设计工作有一定的参考价值。
This design is about intercept type axial shape parts, certainly for the design of the bunker.Fixed axial intercept type shape parts bin on the main structure adopted the structure characteristics of belt conveyor.The first gave a brief overview of belt conveyor;Then analyzed the principle of type selection of belt conveyor and calculation methods;And then according to these design criteria in accordance with the requirements for a given parameter selection and calculation method for type selection design;Then on the choice of conveyor, the checking of all major components.
This design is mainly divided into two large pieces of content, the first is the intercept type axial parts bin in upper design of transmission system design, the second type is the intercept of the main body of the shaft parts top and bottom of silo structure design.Application of the fixed axial intercept type shape parts bin can quick and easy to realize feeding shaft parts, convenient to the commonly used in the machinery factory.The constant axial intercept type shape parts bin on the design of general process, the selection of design work for the future has a certain reference value.
Key words: Bin; Belt conveyor; The structure design

目 录
第1章 前言 1
1.1定截距型轴类零件上下料仓概述 1
1.2定截距型轴类零件上下料仓的组成及作用 2
1.2.1定截距型轴类零件上下料仓的组成 2
1.2.2定截距型轴类零件上下料仓的作用 5
第2章 定截距型轴类零件上下料仓设计的传动系统设计 7
2.1定截距型轴类零件上下料仓设计的设计关键技术参数要求 7
2.2定截距型轴类零件上下料仓设计的传动方案设计 7
2.3定截距型轴类零件上下料仓设计的驱动电机选择 8
2.3.1定截距型轴类零件上下料仓设计的驱动电机额定转速选择 9
2.3.2定截距型轴类零件上下料仓设计的驱动电机额定功率选择 9
第3章 定截距型轴类零件上下料仓的主体部分结构设计 10
3.1定截距型轴类零件上下料仓基体的结构设计 10
3.2定截距型轴类零件上下料仓设计的走线系统结构设计 10
3.2.1 拖链选择的技术条件 12
3.2.2 根据拖链选择设计拖链槽结构 12
3.3 料盘的工装设计 13
第4章基于solidworks进行定截距轴类零件上下料仓设计 14
4.1solidworks软件建模与装配概述 14
4.2 运用SolidWorks软件进行零件设计 14
4.3运用SolidWorks软件进行零件装配 15
结论 17
致谢 18
参考文献 19