In recent years, rotary drilling pile driver to obtain the rapid development of our country ", but with rotary digging pile and drivers in abroad for decades, domestic rotary digging rig is the key part of the history and development of core technology, compared with foreign countries there is still a gap, rotary drilling pile driver in China's development there is still a long way to go.
Quality of the performance of the rotary power head as an important project mining piling machine and host key components of research "directly affect drilling efficiency" the driver development in foreign countries have several ten years of history, the development power head performance superior! Unique technology and new design concept, "the head of the motive force of the development of domestic can meet rotary drilling pile driver basic reliability and function expansion, but still need to further development.
Is difficult to obtain rotary drilling pile driver power head system design and development of related literature and literature at home and abroad, draw lessons from ". Therefore, this on power system analysis and Research on the subject, important items in the spin dig pile driving program development project, in the hope that rotary mining piling machine products development for reference.
Key words: rotary digging pile driver; power head driving mode; driver; speed reducer

目 录
第一章榨汁机设计前期调查及现状 1
1.1 论文选题的研究意义和依据 1
1.2 论文的主要内容、研究方法和榨汁机的现状 2
1.2.1 论文的主要内容 2
1.2.2 论文的研究方法 2
1.2.3 我国榨汁机的现状与发达国家的差距 2
1.2.4 我国榨汁机的市场调查 3
1.3 榨汁机的设计 5
1.3.1 榨汁机的类型 5
1.3.2 榨汁机的现状分析 5
1.3.3 对新型榨汁机设计的一般要求 6
1.3.4 榨汁机的发展前景 6
第二章离心式榨汁机的总体设计方案及原理 8
2.1 榨汁机方案的比较 8
2.1.1 高速离心式果汁机 8
2.1.2 低速挤压式果汁机 8
2.2 离心式榨汁机的工作原理 8
第三章电机的选择与校核 10
3.1 电动机的选择要求 10
3.2 电动机类型的选择 11
3.3 电动机额定功率的确定 13
3.4 键的强度校核 14
3.5 轴的强度校核 15
第四章榨汁部件的设计 17
4.1 回转篮的设计 17
4.2 榨汁机壳体的设计 18
4.2.1 榨汁机壳体材料的选择 18
4.2.2 榨汁机壳体结构的设计 18
4.3 榨汁机的基本结构及其转配 21
4.3.1 榨汁机的总体机构布局 21
4.3.2 榨汁机的零件总成及其装配 22
第五章榨汁机的使用与维护 23
参考文献 24
感谢 25