关键字: 换热器 管板
Change a hot machine, is hot parts of calorieses of the fluid deliver to the equipments of cold fluid, and then call a heat exchanger.Changing the hot machine is the in general use equipments of chemical engineering, petroleum, power and food and other many industrial sections, occupy an important position in the production.Produce in the chemical engineering in change hot machine as heating apparatus, water cooler, congealed machine, evaporate a machine and again Fei machine etc., apply more extensively.
This design topic floats a type to change for the 105 ts/h vapor-water for the discharge hot machine, float a type to change hot machine of a carry to take care of plank and hull body fix, but another one the tube plank carrying can float in the hull freedom inside the body, hull body and control free to inflation, past be two difference in temperatures that lie quality more big, control to produce a difference in temperature in response to the dint with of hull bodies not.Float a head to carry to design can dismantle structure, making to control can easily insert or draw out a hull body.(Can also design can not dismantle of).Fix, cleaned to provide convenience for check like this.But should change hot machine structure more complicated, and float to carry a small cover can not know to reveal a circumstance while operating, consequently need to specially notice it to seal completely while installing.
The floating the advantage that a type changes a hot machine can draw out for controling and clean a tube, hull distance by convenience;Lie a quality difference in temperature to be free from restriction;Can under the heat, high pressure work, the general temperature is smaller than to equal 450 degrees, the pressure is smaller than to equal 6,400,000,000,000 Pas;Can used for knotting the dirt more serious situation;Can used for taking care of a distance to easily decay situation.The weakness leaks for being small to float inside easy occurrence;Metal material consumes to have great capacity, the cost is 20% in height;The structure is complicated.
Compute in the traditional craft in include to transmit heat an area calculation, spread a calories calculation and transmit heat coefficient to really settle and change hot path inside the tube and change hot tube model number of choice, and transmit heat coefficient, press to decline and checking of wall calculate etc. problem.
In strength compute win main discussion of is a tube body, tube box and head, take care of plank thickness calculation and fold to flow plank, method orchid and mat a slice and connector and, box off the design of zero partses like plank,etcs, also need to carry on some strength pit in the school.Have to consider floating path Do outside a tube knothole while designing.It's outside path's turn to should be smaller than path Di inside the hull body, generally recommend float mural the cleft inside a tube plank and hull body b 1=3~5 mms.Like this, after being the hook turn of floating a to tore down, can immediately will control from the hull body inside draw out.In order to in carry on check to fix, clean.Float the cranium just can carry on assemble after controling to pack into, so should consider promising to float necessary space for cranium to assemble in the design.
This design is according to the GB151 《tube hull the type change hot machine 》 and the GB150 《the steel system pressure container 》 design.Change the hot machine is in each realm of work, agriculture should carry very extensively, in the daily life transmit heat an equipments also everywhere it is thus clear that, is one of indispensable craft equipmentses.
Key word: Change a hot machine; Float to take care of plank; Transmitheat a calculation; The strength school checks

目 录
第一章 综述 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2结构 2
1.3类型 3
1.4非金属材料换热器 3
1.4.1流道的选择 3
1.4.2操作强化 4
1.5近期国内外开发研究的发展方向 4
第二章 工艺计算说明书 9
2.1原始数据 9
2.2定性温度及物性参数 9
2.3传热量与油流量 10
2.4有效平均温差 10
2.5管程换热系数 10
2.6结构的初步设计 11
2.7壳程换热系数计算 11
2.8传热系数计算 12
2.9管壁温度计算 12
第三章 结构设计说明书 12
3.1换热管材料及规格的选择和根数的确定 12
3.2布管方式的选择 13
3.3筒体内径的确定 13
3.5封头形式的确定 14
3.6管箱短节壁厚计算 15
3.7容器法兰的选择 15
第四章 管板尺寸的确定及强度计算 17
4.1筒的计算 17
4.2对于延长部分兼作法兰的管板的计算 18
4.3假定管板的厚度计算 21
4.4 G2值的取得 24
4.5法兰厚度的计算 24
4.6法兰力矩的的危险组合 25
4.6.1只有壳程设计压力Ps,而管程设计压力Pt=0,不计膨胀节变形差(即r=0)。 25
4.6.2只有壳程设计压力,而管程设计压力Pt=0,并且计入膨胀变形差。 26
4.6.3只有管程设计压力Pt,而壳程设计压力Ps=0,不计膨胀节变形差时: 28
4.6.4只有管程设计压力Pt,而壳程设计压力Ps=0,同时计入膨胀变形差时 29
4.6.5由管板计算厚度来确定管板的实际厚度 30
4.7是否安装膨胀节的判定 31
4.8折流板尺寸的确定 31
4.9各管孔接管及其法兰的选择 31
4.10设备法兰的选择 33
4.11拉杆和定距管的确定 35
4.12开孔补强计算: 36
4.13筒体管箱耐压试验的应力校核计算 38
4.14支座的选择及应力校核 39
4.14.1支座的选择 39
4.14.2鞍座的应力校核 40
参 考 文 献 44
致谢 45