本次换热器设计的壳程介质为水,管程介质为油。流量为270t/h,壳程的工作温度为180℃,管程的工作温度为100℃。本次设计主要分为两个部分,第一部分传热工艺的计算,第二部分强度的计算。在传热计算工艺中,包括有传热面积的计算,传热量、传热系数的确定和换热器内径以及换热管型号的选择,以及传热系数、压降及壁温的验算等等问题。在强度计算中主要讨论的有筒体、管箱、封头、管板厚度计算及折流板、法兰、垫片和接管、支座、分隔板等零部件的设计,安装,组合,还要进行一些强度校核。本设计是按照 GB151《管壳式换热器》和 GB150《钢制压力容器》设计的。换热器在工、农业的各个领域应用十分广泛,在日常生活中传热设备也随处可见,是不可能缺少的工艺设备之一。随着研究的深入,工业上的应用也取得了惊人的成果。
关键词: 浮头式换热器; 换热管; 加热器
This design mainly discussed heat principles , and heat calculation and heat parameters ,the heat characteristic and heat calculation and heat parameters ,the structure and the size under the given conditions. In industrial production, the main effect of heat exchange equipment is made by high temperature heat fluid is passed to the lower temperature of fluid, the fluid temperature can reach the indexes of the process regulation, in order to meet the needs of the process on . In the heat exchanger tube and shell heat exchanger is the most widely used, a heat exchange equipment has as a standard heat exchange equipment. This design is floating head heat exchanger, it is made up of tube box 、tube sheet、shell、heat exchange tube、baffle plate、draw bar、spacer pipe、hook circle、floating head cover and so on. One tube sheet of the exchanger is connected with shell, and the other tube sheet is floating tube sheet. So it’s easy to check and clean. On the other hand the structure of it complex.
The shell side of heat exchanger design medium for water, in the medium passes for oil. The shell side of the flow rate of 270 t/h, the working temperature is 180℃, monitor the working temperature is 100℃. In eight pieces of baffle are installed on the structure, to increase the turbulence velocity of the fluid. The diameter of the baffle plate is usually 0.2-1.0 times the diameter of shell. Nozzle flange all choose plate flat welding flange, choose saddle support, this design mainly is divided into two parts, one part is heat transfer process calculation, the other part is the strength calculation.
In the process of heat transfer calculation, include area computation 、capacity of heat transmission 、 the determine of heat transfer coefficient and the choice of the heat exchange tube. About strength calculation, it involve the calculating of shell、tube box、sealing head and so on. Heat exchanger is one of the indispensable process equipment. With the deepening of the research, industrial application made remarkable achievements.
With the social progress and technological development.Heat exchanger design techniques are constantly updated.The exsting scientific reseach for my life is a big convenience.The prospects for the future will be more beautiful.As heat exchanger equipment can be seen everywhere, the most widely used in industry, especially in energy consumption is very large areas, with the rapid development of energy-saving technology, heat exchanger type development more and more. Heat exchanger is a chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industry and other industries widely used in heat exchange equipment, it not only can be used as a heater, cooler separately, and some important auxiliary equipment of chemical unit operations, thus occupies very important position in the chemical production.
Key words: Floating head type heat exchange; Heat exchange tube; heater; cooler

目 录
第一章换热器的工艺计算 1
1.1 原始数据(设计已知条件) 1
1.2 定性温度及确定物性参数 1
1.3 传热量与物料的计算 2
1.4 有效平均温差的计算 2
1.5 管程结构初步设计 3
1.6 壳程换热系数的计算 3
1.7 传热系数的计算 4
1.8 管壁温度的计算 4
1.9 管程压降的计算 5
1.10 壳程压降的计算 5
第二章结构设计 7
2.1 换热管材料及规格的选择和根数的确定 7
2.2 布管方式的选择 7
2.3 筒体内径的确定 7
2.4 筒体壁厚的确定 8
2.5 筒体水压试验 10
2.6 管箱侧封头厚度的确定 10
2.7 浮头侧封头厚度的确定 11
2.8 设备法兰的选择 12
2.9 管箱侧法兰的选择 12
2.10 浮头侧法兰的选择 13
2.11 接管法兰的选择 13
2.12 浮头换热器管板的设计计算 14
2.13 浮头设计计算 16
2.13.1 管程压力(内压)作用下浮头盖的计算 16
2.13.2 壳程压力(外压)作用下浮头盖的计算 17
2.13.3 管程压力作用下浮头法兰的计算 17
2.13.4 壳程压力作用下浮头法兰的计算 20
2.14 钩圈的选择 22
2.15 浮动管板的选择 22
2.16 折流板的选择 23
2.17 管箱短节壁厚计算 23
2.18管程与壳程短节的计算 23
2.19 防冲板的选择 24
2.20 接管及开孔补强 24
2.21 支座的选择 25
2.21.1 轴向应力校核 26
2.21.2 切向切应力校核 27
2.21.3 周向应力校核 27
2.21.4 鞍座腹板应力 27
参考文献 28
致谢 29