关键词: 夹具设计,机械加工,工艺,工装
This design topic is The tail rod and inclined hole jig process design. Content can be divided into the machining process planning design and the machine tool's fixture design two parts.
First, with mechanical manufacturing technology and related course knowledge and solve workpiece position in the process, which belong to the process route arrangement and the related aspects related technology problem, determine the size and choose appropriate machine and tools. Secondly, through the analysis the tail rod, understand the tail rod. Then, on the basis and milling fixture blank piece and production program requirements, formulate feasible milling machining procedure line, fixture to determine processing plan. Finally, according to the requirements of the processing of processed spares, reference the machine tool's fixture design manual and related books, design the efficient, economy, reasonable and can ensure the process quality fixture.
Along with the progress of the society and the development of science and technology, the machine tool's fixture commonality also directly affects its economy. The machine tool's fixture with high precision, high efficiency, gm, economic and other properties of the good development will be in the modernization of our country in the process of the development of industrial construction and plays a vital role.
KEY WORDS: fixture design, Mechanical processing, Craft,Fixtures
2.1.1 零件的作用

目 录
第一章 绪论 7
1.1 课题背景及发展趋势 7
1.2 夹具的基本结构及夹具设计的内容 8
第二章 尾接杆工艺规程编制 9
2. 1 零件的分析 9
2.1.1 零件的作用 9
2.1.2零件的工艺分析 9
2.2 确定毛坯 11
2.2.1选择毛坯 11
2.2.2设计尾接杆毛坯图 12
2.3 工艺规程设计 14
2.3.1 定位基准的选择 14
2.3.2 工艺路线的制定 15
第三章 夹具设计的基本知识 18
3.1机床夹具的概述 18
3.1.1机床夹具的定义 18
3.1.2机床夹具的功用 18
3.1.3机床夹具的组成 18
3.1.4机床夹具的分类 19
3.2 机床夹具的设计特点和要求 20
3.2.1 机床夹具的设计特点 20
3.2.2 机床夹具的设计要求 20
3.3 机床夹具总图设计 20
3.3.1总图设计的步骤 20
3.3.2总体设计的几点要求 21
第四章 尾接杆斜孔钻模设计 22
4.1夹具设计方法及步骤 22
4.2拟订定位方法与对定位元件 23
4.2.1 定位方案分析 23
4.4 钻床夹具的设计 24
4.5 绘制尾接杆夹具装配图 25