摘 要
分析内平动齿轮传动的原理,提出由3 根偏心轴作平动发生器的实用新型齿轮传动机构一分流型内平动齿轮传动,并推导其传动比的计算公式.主要零件部件的计算设计.装置的装配设计和主要零件的设计。
分析内平动齿轮传动的原理,提出由3根偏心轴作平动发生器的实用新型齿轮传动机构一分流型内平动齿轮传动,并推导其传动比的计算公式.分析发现,为平衡机构的惯性力,采用2(或3)片平动齿轮时,设计啮合点相位差应取180° (120°);输入齿轮的齿数为3的倍数时,分流齿轮具有互换性;采用两片平动齿轮且内外齿轮齿数差为偶数时,平动齿轮具有互换性;采用3片平动齿轮且内齿轮齿数为3的倍数时,平动齿轮具有互换性.给出了啮合参数的编程计算方法.该新型传动具有承载能力强、传动比大(17—300)、体积小、质量轻、输入输出同轴线、加工安装简单等优点,是一种节能型的机械传动装置,也是减速器的换代产品.有广泛的应用前景。
关键词 :内平动齿轮传动;少齿差齿轮副;传动比
Analysis of parallel move gear transmission principle, put forward by the three eccentric shafts for utility model translation generator gear mechanism within the translation of a shunt-type gear, and derive the formula for calculating the transmission ratio. The main components of the calculation of design components . Device design and assembly of major parts of the design.
Analysis of parallel move gear transmission principle, put forward by the three eccentric shafts for utility model translation generator gear mechanism within the translation of a shunt-type gear, and derive the formula for calculating the transmission ratio. Analysis, to balance the inertia force, using 2 (or 3) pieces of translation gear, the meshing point of the design phase should take 180 ° (120 °); input gear teeth as a multiple of 3, the shunt gear with interchangeability; with two translation gear and the internal and external gear tooth number difference is even, Ping gear has interchange ability; with three flat gear and internal gear teeth as a multiple of 3, the flat gear has interchangeability. Meshing parameters given programming account Calculation method. The new drive has a carrying capacity, transmission ratio (17-300), small size, light weight, input and output coaxial line, and simple installation process is an energy-efficient mechanical transmission device, is also a new generation product reducer . Have broad application prospects.
Keywords: Internal translation gear transmission;differential gears with small teeth; transmission ratio

摘 要 I
Abstract II
目录 III
1 绪论 1
1.1 平动减速器的发展概况 1
1.2 市场需求分析 1
1.3 本课题研究目的及意义以及国内外现状分析及展望 1
1.4 课题的主要内容及要求 1
2 传动方案及拟定 3
2.1 平动啮合的定义和分类 3
2.2 内平动齿轮传动工作原理 3
2.4 分流式内平动齿轮传动机构 4
2.5 传动比分析 5
3 各主要部件选择及选择电动机 7
3.1 各部件的选择 7
3.2 电动机的选择 7
4 减速器的整体设计 8
4.1传动比的分配 8
4.2传动的运动及动力参数计算 8
4.3齿轮的设计计算 8
4.3.1 分流齿轮的设计计算 8
4.3.2 平动齿轮的设计计算 12
4.4轴的设计计算 15
4.4.1 输入轴的设计计算 15
4.4.2 曲轴的设计计算 19
4.4.3 输出轴的设计计算 24
5 润滑与密封 28
5.1润滑方式的选择 28
5.2密封方式的选择 28
5.3润滑油的选择 28
6 箱体结构尺寸 29
6.1箱体的结构尺寸 29
7 设计总结 30
致 谢 32
参 考 文 献 33