[摘要] 旋风除尘器作为一种重要的气固分离设备,因其结构简单、设备紧凑、制造容易、成本相对较低等优点,被广泛应用于矿山、化工、能源、环保、冶金、建材等众多工业领域。然而往往因其结构设计不当,尺寸匹配不合理等因素限制了除尘效率的提高,并且能耗很大。
[关键词] 旋风除尘器,优化设计,数值模拟,分离特性
Design of dedusting mechanism of cotton seed polishingmachine
[Abstract] Cyclone separator is an important gas—solid separation equipment,which has many advantages,such as simple structure,compact equipment,easy to manufacture,relatively low-cost and SO on.So it has been widely applied in the mining,chemical industry,energy source,environmental、protection,metallurgy,building materials and the other industrial fields.However,because of unreasonable structure design and size matching factors,which restrict the efficiency improving,besides it wastes more energy consumption.At present,with the continuous growth of the national economy and the energy—saving reduction strategy proposed timely,people urgently need to research a new type cyclone separator that has much higher separation efficiency and lower consumption.Therefore,in view of the unperfect separation model and the weak prevalence of the traditional design method.In addition,people can’t understand accurately the separation theories of cyclone separator.Using numerical simulation and optimal design combination of research methods,first of al l,the thesis constructs an optimal mathematics model based on the classic Leith—Licht boundary layer separation theory,and then,based on the results of 3D flow field numerical simulation,prove the rationality of the size match and the feasibility of the design optimization and propose a universal design method for the future provision of cyclone separator.
[key words] Cyclone separator;simulation;Separation characteristic
2) 在优化设计数学模型的基础上,对旋风除尘器的结构尺寸进行优化,得出设计工况下的各部分结构尺寸。
3) 以优化出的旋风除尘器为研究对象,对其进行三维流场的数值模拟研究,并建立一套适合旋风除尘器内部流场模拟的数值计算方法。
4) 在三维气固两相流场的基础上,重点考察分析入口颗粒浓度、排气管插入深度、排气管直径、排灰口直径和直管长度等操作与结构参数对旋风除尘器分离性能的影响。
5) 通过对优化型旋风除尘器的数值模拟研究,进一步考察分析优化型旋风除尘器的分离性能及提出的优化设计方法的可行性

目 录
1 前言 1
1.1 背景 1
1.2 国内外现状及发展趋势 1
1.3 旋风除尘器的发展概况 2
1.4 旋风除尘器结构尺寸设计方法研究概况 3
1.5 论文研究目的与意义 9
1.6 论文研究方法与内容 9
2 旋风除尘器的分离理论与性能分析 11
2.1 旋风除尘器的工作过程 11
2.2 旋风除尘器内部的旋流 12
2.3 旋风除尘器的分离理论 13
2.4 旋风除尘器的性能评价指标 16
3 旋风除尘器结构尺寸优化设计研究 19
3.1 优化设计的基本思想 19
3.2 基于MATLAB旋风除尘器结构尺寸优化模型 19
4 旋风除尘器的设计 29
4.1 形式的选择 29
4.2 确定进口风速 29
4.3 旋风除尘器各部分尺寸的确定 29
4.4 旋风除尘器的效率计算 30
4.5 压力损失计算 31
4.6 除尘系统风机与电动机的选择 32
5 结果分析 33
5.1 计算结果汇总 33
5.2 基于MATLAB优化设计数学模型优化尺寸 34
5.3 分离性能对比分析 34
6 结论 35
参考文献 36
致 谢 37