摘 要
75 and 95 dyadic kw box electric furnaces are that the heat treatment that the heat treatment special field factory and in general medium-sized machinery works use at present most often processes equipment. That tradition dress going over puts up stove method all is to adopt manual operation , the inner takes out again from the stove after sending workpiece in furnace chamber heat treatment. The electric furnace furnace chamber is deep since the box is dyadic , workpiece can only pass in and out of a furnace gate in level direction and , minor workpiece is flung handily moving forward, big workpiece raise till the crossing uses crowbar to wait to push entering a furnace gate, labor intensity is very big. For this purpose, we have brought forward design about that problem in graduation practice prelude , the turnover that machine uses when heat treatment heats in the machinery parts mass-producing has expected that , the turnover applying to electric furnaces of furnace chamber more dyadic than deep box such as RJX-75-9 and RJX-95-9 type specially when heating durable household appliances has expected that, also may be used for close to above-mentioned dyadic box electric furnace furnace chamber dimension fuel stove. In the day after tomorrow the type box is also Yong Yu other dyadic as a result of being seriated stove. Dyadic box electric furnace turnover expects that the machine complete machine external form seals off the type handcart for one, driving force system , push-and-pull drive system , push-and-pull organization , chassis , electromagnetism controlling system , going on foot from electrical equipment stop returning system waiting for part made up of, besides be qualified for have parts and auxiliary equipment floor slide way , stove inner slide way and fuel etc.All dress of electrical equipment function units among them experiences and observes an inner in the handcart , has the under the control of button box to control that in extracorporeal distant work distance using only.
〖资料来源:毕业设计论文网 www.56doc.com〗
Keywords: Dyadic electric furnace of box; Machine passing in and out of material; Push-and-pull organization
2 设计方案的确定
2.1 主要结构【1】
箱式电炉进出料机械手的主要结构如图2.1所示。它整机外型为一密封型小车,由电器控制系统、行走动力系统、推拉传动系统、推拉机构、机架、电磁止退系统六部分组成。此外还配有配套的地面铁轨、炉内导轨及燃料等。其中,电器控制组件全部装在小车体内,仅有控制按钮盒在体外作远距离 控制之用。
2.2 工作过程
2.3 主要性能指标

目 录
摘 要 III
1 绪论 1
2 设计方案的确定 3
2.1 主要结构【1】 3
2.2 工作过程 3
2.3 主要性能指标 3
3 传动机构的设计与计算 5
3.1 锥齿轮的设计[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [9] 5
3.2 锥齿轮轴的设计 8
3.2.1 轴上零件的固定[1] [2] [3] [8] [12] 8
3.2.2 花键的设计[1] [2] [3] [12] 9
3.2.3 轴承的选择[1] [2] [3] [4] [8] [10] [12] 9
3.2.4 轴的强度计算 [2] [3] 11
3.2.5 轴的刚度计算[2] [3] 13
3.3 传动轴的设计 13
3.3.1 轴上零件的固定[11] [14] 13
3.3.2 花键的校核[4] 13
3.3.3 轴承的校核[4] 13
3.3.4 轴的强度计算[2] [3] 15
3.3.5 轴的刚度计算[2] [3] 17
3.4 减速箱箱体的设计[12] [15] [16] 18 〖资料来源:http://www.56DOC.COM 咨询QQ:306826066〗
4 行走机构设计与计算 19
4.1 对机构进行受力分析[2] [3] 19
4.2 轮轴和滚轮扭矩的计算[2] [3] 19
4.2.1 后轮轴的尺寸计算[2] [3] 19
4.2.2 后轮轴的强度计算[2] [3] 21
4.2.3 后轮轴座的选择及轴承寿命的校核[4] 24
4.2.4 前轮轴的尺寸计算[2] [3] 25
4.2.5 前轮轴的强度计算[2] [3] 26
4.2.6 前轮轴的选择及轴承寿命的校核【4】 30
4.3 减速机的输出扭矩和输出功率的计算[2] [3] [4] 31
5 推拉机构的设计与计算 32
5.1 链轮和链条的设计 32
5.1.1 链传动的特点[17] [19] 32
5.1.2 链传动的尺寸计算[2] [3] [4] 32
5.2 中间长轴的设计 34
5.2.1 轴上零件的固定[2] [3] [4] [9] [11] 34
5.2.2 花键的校核[4] 34
5.2.3 轴承的选择[2] [3] [4] 34
5.2.4 轴的强度计算[2] [3] 35
5.2.5 轴的刚度计算[2] [3] 37
6 其他部件的校核 38
6.1 连接钢管的选择[1] [7] 38
6.2 钢管弯曲强度校核[2] [3] [4] 38
6.3 螺栓校核[2] [3] [4] [8] [9] 39
7 结论与展望 40
7.1 结论 40
致 谢 41
参考文献 42 〖毕业设计(论文)咨询QQ:281788421〗