关键词: 落料、塑性变形、工艺计算、工艺制订、表面质量、尺寸精度
Injection Mold for long Junction
Hurtle a kind of tool of press the molding tool conduct and actions manufacturing product( or the half product), its function is to complete a certain craft. Therefore hurtling to press designer must control to hurtle to press the craft, the classification, various craft calculation, craft that includes to hurtle to press the craft establishes etc. the foundation knowledge, just can choose the type of the molding tool and then, carry on the molding tool design, make the type, structure and size etc. of the molding tool satisfy the request of the craft and product.
Cold hurtle to press the craft to divide mostly two type: Separate the work preface and model the work preface. Purpose that separates the work preface is at hurtle to ran over the distance lieutenant general to hurtle to press the piece and planks to anticipate to press certain outline line to carry on the separation: Separating the work preface can is divided in to fall to anticipate again, blunt bore and shear to slice etc.. The purpose that models the work preface is to make hurtle to press the hair , the creation transforms under the condition of not break its integrity, and convert the shape that product need: Take shape the work preface and is divided into the flection and pull deep, turn over the side, turn over the bore, bulge form and expand the bore, etc.. Cold hurtle to press the molding tool is main craft equipments that hurtles to press to produce. Hurtle the surface quantity, size accuracy, rate of production and the economy performance etc. of press the piece, with the molding tool structure and designs whether the reasonable relation is biggest.
Key word: Fall to anticipate, plastic deformation, the craft calculation, craft establish, surface quantity, size accuracy

绪 论 1
一 设计内容及要求 4
1.1 制件图、材料及要求 4
二 冲裁件的工艺分析 5
三 主要设计计算 6
3.1 排样方式的确定 6
3.2 毛胚的确定 6
3.3 冲裁力的计算 7
3.3.1冲裁力 7
3.3.2 压力中心的确定及相关尺寸的计算 8
3.4 工作零件刃口尺寸计算 8
四 模具总体设计及主要零部件设计 11
4.1 模具结构的选择 11
4.2 卸料弹簧的设计与计算 11
4.3冲压设备的选择 12
4.4送料机机型﹑功能规格名称﹑送料宽度﹑送料厚度 13
4.5 模具的总体设计 15
4.5.1 模具类型的选择 15
4.5.2 定位方式的选择 15
4.5.3 导向方式的选择 15
4.6 主要零部件的设计 15
4.6.1 工作零件的结构设计 15
4.6.2 落料凸模的设计 15
4.6.3 落料凹模的设计 16
4.6.4 定位零件的设计 16
4.7 卸料部件的设计 16
4.7.1 卸料板的设计 16
4.7.2 卸料螺钉的选用 17
4.7.3 顶件装置 17
4.7.4 快拆装置 17
4.8冲孔模各模板﹑零件的名称﹑材质﹑硬度及功能 18
4.9 模具零件公差及间隙标准 20
4.10 冲裁刃口要求及冲裁间隙标准 20
4.11 模具总装图 21
4.12模具工作零件的加工工艺 22
五 模具的装配和调整 23
5.1 主要组件的装配 23
5.1.1 凸模的装配 23
5.1.2 弹压卸料板的装配 23
5.2 总装配 23
5.3 冲裁模试冲的缺陷和调整 24
5.4 模具设计要点 26
5.4.1 送料 26
5.4.2 出料 27
5.4.3 精度 27
结 论 28
致 谢 29
参考文献 30