摘 要:在茶园中不合理使用化学农药,不但会杀死害虫的天敌和有益生物,造成害虫发生为害更加猖獗,而且会污染茶树和环境,使茶叶中的农残超标,危害消费者的身体健康。 农药的使用与农业、林业、牧业等关系密切,因而,农药对土壤的污染是重要的环境问题之一。 所以对于昆虫害的研究不能只是止于化学,应该有一种更加有效合理的也虫方法,这种灭虫的方法是当前害虫防治的重要研究课题。现在电子荧光灯的种类很多,根据所杀害虫对光线频率的不同,有适用于草地的、农田的、家居的等多种光灯杀虫器。但是大多都是直接使用交流电,这样加大了电能的使用量,而电能的来源是靠火力或者水力发电,这样对环境的破坏可想而知。现在已经有一部分的灭虫器采用了电能的直接引用,方便而且环保。本太阳能杀虫器不仅采用了先进的太阳能技术,而且是物理的无公害的杀虫方法,对害虫进行物理防治基于单片机的太阳能控制系统不仅可以利用在路灯应用,其设计思路及其技术还可以广泛使用到电池控制器,逆变控制器,汽车等领域,对相关科学具有推动作用并且有很大拓展价值。太阳能电池发电是基于“光生伏特效应”原理,将太阳能转化为电能,利用充电效应将太阳辐射直接转化为电能。具有永久性、清洁性和灵活性大的优点,是其他能源无法比拟的。采用低损耗MOSFET全数字化控制方案的太阳能逆变控制器,不仅可靠性好、效率高,而且具有针对蓄电池过充、过放、逆变输出过载等异常情况的多种保护措施;价格低廉,功能齐全,具有广阔的市场空间.大力推广使用后,必将创造出巨大的经济效益和社会效益。
Design On Tea Garden Solar Fluorescent Insecticidal Implement
Abstract: In tea garden of improper use of chemical pesticide, not only will kill pests, natural and beneficial biological caused by pests occur more rampant, and will harm tea tree and environment pollution of tea in the excess pesticide residues, harm consumer health. Pesticide use and agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, therefore, close relations such as pesticides on soil pollution is one of the important environmental problems. So for the research can't just stop pests in chemistry, there should be a more effective and reasonable also insect methods, this method is currently an important research topic pest control. Now, many different kinds of electronic fluorescent lamp, according to kill pests to light the different frequency, suitable for lawn, farmland, household and so on many kinds of light insecticidal device. But mostly directly use the alternating current, so the usage of the increased power, and power source is to rely on fire or hydroelectric power, so imagine damage to the environment. Now there are part of an extermination device used electricity directly referenced, convenient and environmentally friendly. This solar insecticidal device not only adopted advanced solar technology, and is physical pollution-free insecticidal method of physical prevention and control pest solar control system based on single chip not only can use the streetlights application, its design thinking, and technology can widely used to battery controller, inverter controller, motorcar, etc, to related science has great development role and value. Solar power is based on "light born volts effect" principle, solar energy into electrical energy, using rechargeable effect will solar radiation directly into electricity. Use rechargeable effect will solar radiation directly into electricity. Permanent, clean sex and flexibility big advantages, is other energy and incomparable. By low loss MOSFET digital control scheme, the solar inverter controller not only good reliability, high efficiency, but also has the overcharge for battery, inverter, put the abnormal situation such as oveloading protection measures of; Low prices, the function is all ready, a broad market space. Popularized after use, will certainly create enormous economic benefits and social benefits.
Keywords:Solar energy;fluorescent light;insect killer;tea plant;physics killer
1.4.1 太阳能电池板的分类
1.4.2 太阳能荧光灯杀虫器工作原理
太阳能荧光灯杀虫器借鉴黑光灯的基本原理及应用经验,利用害虫的趋光波特性,将频振波作为一项诱杀害虫成虫新技术应用于灭虫器械,并将光的波长范围拓宽为 365±50nm,增加了诱杀害虫的种类;利用光近距离、波远距离引诱害虫成虫扑灯,灯外配以频振高压电网采用非接触式方式,达到杀灭害虫控制虫害的目的。该灯无需市电,不用挖沟拉线,天黑灯亮,天亮灯熄,并且对人畜安全,可用于大田防治,同时也可作为害虫测报工具。
1.4.3 主要参数
1) 绝缘电阻≧2.5MΩ
2) 工作电流≦137mA
3) 功率30W
4) 灯管启动时间≦5s
5) 电网电压2200V±5%
6) 最高工作电压灯管启动时间≦5s
7) 最低工作电压灯管启动时间≦15s。

目 录
1 前言……………………………………………………………………………3
1.1 研究目的意义…………………………………………………………3
1.2 研究现状………………………………………………………………5
1.3 设计任务及基本要求…………………………………………………6
1.4 太阳能荧光灯杀虫器的分类、工作原理及其主要参数……………6
1.4.1 太阳能电池板的分类…………………………………………6
1.4.2 太阳能荧光灯杀虫器工作原理………………………………7
1.4.3 主要参数………………………………………………………7
2 太阳能电池部分设计…………………………………………………………7
2.1 太阳能电池板的材料选择……………………………………………7
2.2 太阳能电池板的选型…………………………………………………8
2.3 蓄电池选型…………………………………………………………10
3 灯具部分及其电网…………………………………………………………10
3.1 灯具的灭虫灯电路工作原理………………………………………10
3.1.1 电路中灯管启动时间的验证………………………………12
3.2 控制器………………………………………………………………13
4 太阳能电池组件支架………………………………………………………13
4.1 倾角设计……………………………………………………………13
4.2 抗风设计……………………………………………………………14
4.2.1 风速及风力确定……………………………………………14
4.2.2 太阳能灯杆部分的力学分析………………………………15
4.2.3 灯杆破坏面地抗拒的计算…………………………………15
4.3 表面处理……………………………………………………………16
5 设计总结…………………………………………………………………16
致 谢…………………………………………………………………………19