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本文以有限元法静、动态分析理论为基础,使用有限元软件NX Nastran,对上汽通用五菱D150驱动桥桥壳进行分析。为了得到更为准确的分析结果,本文提出了独创性的分析方案,即应用的分析模型引入了弹簧钢板,使驱动桥桥壳的分析计算建立在接近实际的工作环境中。按照此思想完成了从三维几何建模到有限元分析的整个过程,得出桥壳在最大铅垂力工况、最大制动力工况和最大侧向力工况三种典型工况下的应力分布和变形结果以及在自由状态下的前20阶固有频率和振型。


Because the driving condition of the vehicle is very complex,the strength and dynamic performance of the drive axle housing affect the operation safety of the vehicle. The reasonable design of the drive axle housing is one of the importance ways to improve the ride comfort. Thus, it is necessary to analyze the strength,rigidity and dynamic performance of the drive axle housing.
Based on the static and dynamic theory of the finite element method,the axle housing-D150 of  SAIC-GM-Wuling is analyzed by the FEM software NX Nastran in this paper. In order to obtain more accurate results of the analysis, this paper presents an analysis of original program. Analysis model introduced in the spring plate,so that the analysis calculation of the axle housing close to the actual working environment. In accordance with this thinking complete the whole process from the 3-D modeling to finite element analysis. And get the results of the stress distribution and deformation in three loading cases: the drive axle housing bears the maximum vertical force, the maximum braking force and the maximum lateral force. And the first twenty natural frequencies and modes under the free constraint are obtained in the modal analysis.
The results of the finite element analysis show that the maximum Mises stress of the axle housing is less than the allowable stress value. So the axle housing meets the strength requirement. The maximum deformation per meter of the wheel center distance is less than 1.5mm/m, which meets the stiffness requirements in national standards. The minimum natural frequency calculated is far bigger than the frequency from road excitation. The resonance of the axle housing won’t happen when this automobile is traveling on road. The analyzed results tell us that the axle housing is safe and reliable under all kinds of driving conditions. And based on the results of analysis, make a suggest to improve the drive axle housing, so that the drive axle housing design optimization.

Key words: automotive drive axle housing, finite element method, strength analysis,model analysis




1  绪论    1
1.1 课题的来源、目的和意义    1
1.1.1 课题来源    1
1.1.2 课题目的    1
1.1.3 课题研究的背景及意义    1
1.2 汽车驱动桥桥壳分类与结构特征概述    2
1.3 国内外汽车驱动桥桥壳研究的发展与现状    3
1.4 课题研究方法与主要内容    5
1.5 本章小结    6
2  有限元理论基础及在汽车设计中的应用    7
2.1 有限元分析的理论基础    7
2.1.1 有限元分析法概述    7
2.1.2 有限元的基本思路    8
2.1.3 有限元的分析过程    11
2.2 有限元分析软件的介绍    14
2.2.1有限元分析软件的应用发展    14
2.2.2 UG高级仿真介绍    15
2.2.3 本课题所用网格单元介绍[20]    15
2.2.4  NX NASTRANR软件介绍[20]    18
2.3 有限元法在汽车设计中的应用    20
2.3.1 有限元法在汽车设计中的主要应用    20
2.3.2 有限元在汽车驱动桥桥壳的应用    21
2.4 本章小结    22
3  D150驱动桥桥壳有限元模型的建立    23
3.1桥壳几何模型的建立    23
3.2 桥壳有限元模型的建立    24
3.2.1 有限元模型网格划分的基本原则    24
3.2.2 桥壳模型的网格划分    25
3.2.3 定义网格连接    26
3.2.4定义曲面与曲面胶合    27
3.3 有限元模型建立完毕    28
3.4 本章小结    28
4  驱动桥静力分析    30
4.1 驱动桥壳台架试验介绍    30
4.1.1 驱动桥桥壳垂直弯曲刚度和垂直弯曲静强度试验简介    30
4.1.2 垂直弯曲刚度和垂直弯曲静强度试验评估指标[25]    31
4.2 驱动桥在典型工况下的受力分析    31
4.2.1 驱动桥三种典型工况介绍    32
4.2.2 各工况下载荷与约束处理,并分析求解。    33
4.3 本章小结    42
5  驱动桥壳的模态分析    43
5.1 模态分析的作用    43
5.2 模态分析理论    44
5.3 特征值解法[20]    45
5.3.1 特征值解法介绍    45
5.3.2 NX NASTRAN 提供三类方法比较:    47
5.4 驱动桥壳模态分析有限元模型的建立    47
5.5 模态分析计算结果及结论    48
5.5.1 模态分析计算结果    48
5.5.2 模态分析结论    51
5.6 本章小结    52
结束语    53
致谢    55
参考文献    56