本论文研究的是柳工CPCD30叉车外门架的焊接变形趋势。叉车外门架的焊接变形对叉车的工作性能有着重要的影响,外门架焊接总成时,主要由七个结构件的 20多条焊缝焊接而成。本论文通过使用大型有限元软件ANSYS,以固有应变为理论基础较全面的对CPCD30叉车外门架总成的焊接变形进行分析,为以后叉车门架的焊接工作提供有效的参考数据。
关键词 焊接变形 CPCD30叉车外门架 固有应变 有限元
Welding is a complex process involving electric-arc physics, heat transferring, mechanics and metallurgy. The welding appearance includes the electromagnetic welding, heat-transferring process, the metal melting and solidification, the phase-changing cooling, welding stress and deformation, and so on. Prediction and control of welding deformation is urgently settled by welding manufacturing. Formerly, the welding deformation prediction and control is usually based on experience, so that the rule of welding deformation is hardly dope out and controlled. Usually, the thermal elasto-plastic finite element method(FEM) is deal with the predition of welding deformation. Recently the thermal elasto-plastic finite element method(FEM) is developed to analyse the prediction of welding deformation, which gain certain successes, but this method requires large volume computer memory and long computational time to the sulution of large end complicated 3D welding stucture, which is not efficient and economical for the above situation. Contrally, the inherent strain FEM has great superiority in predicting large scale welding struture deformation with relatively shorter computational time, which holds well application prospects and practical value.
In this paper, which studys the trend of welding deformation of outside door frame of Liugong CPCD30 forklifts. Welding deformation of forklifts’ outside door frame has great impact to capability of forklifts. The outside door frame of forklift assembly is made up of seven strutural frame with more than 20 welds. The paper adopt generic large-scale finite element software(ansys) to analyse welding deformation based on the theory of inherent strain, which provides effective referenced data for welding henceforth in the future.
Keywords welding deformation, CPCD30 outside door frame, inherent strain, finite element method (FEM)

1 绪论 1
1.1 课题来源、目的和意义 1
1.1.1 课题的来源 1
1.1.2课题的目的 1
1.1.3 课题研究的意义 1
1.2 课题研究的背景 1
1.3 焊接变形的研究方法 2
1.3.1 建立在实验和统计基础上的经验曲线与公式 3
1.3.2 基于一维解析的残余塑变法 3
1.3.3 热弹塑性有限元法 3
1.3.4 残余塑变有限元法(固有应变法) 3
1.4 焊接变形研究中常用的软件 4
1.5 国内外焊接变形研究的历史与现状 4
1.5.1 国外焊接变形研究与发展状况 4
1.5.2 国内焊接变形研究与发展状况 6
1.6 本论文研究的内容 6
1.7 本章小结 7
2 焊接数值模拟 8
2.1 有限元法简介 8
2.2 焊接有限元分析简介 9
2.3 有限元的基本理论 10
2.4 弹性力学有限元分析基本理论 13
2.4.1 一点应力状态 13
2.4.2 应变一位移方程 14
2.4.3 应力一应变方程 14
2.4.4 虚功原理 15
2.5 壳单元基本算法 16
2.5.1 Shell181壳单元 16
2.6 固有应变理论 21
2.6.1 固有应变有限元法 21
2.6.2 固有应变有限元法的计算机制 25
2.6.3 固有应变的施加方法 26
2.7 本章小结 26
3 焊接数值模拟软件的选用及其主要功能 27
3.1 ANSYS软件的简介 27
3.2 ANSYS程序功能 28
3.3 ANSYS程序单元类型 29
3.4 ANSYS程序材料类型 29
3.5 ANSYS文件系统 29
3.6 ANSYS软件在焊接变形分析中的应用 30
3.7 ANSYS软件在焊接固有应变法中的应用 31
3.8 本章小结 31
4 CPCD30叉车外门架焊接变形模拟分析 32
4.1 用ANSYS软件进行有限元分析的典型过程 32
4.2 CPCD30叉车外门架的主要分析指标 32
4.3 基于UG/CAD的外门架三维实体建模 33
4.4 叉车外门架的材料属性 34
4.5 叉车外门架有限元模型的建立与仿真 35
4.5.1 叉车外门架固有应变的计算 35
4.5.2 模型的导入 39
4.5.3 定义接触 39
4.5.4 定义模型材料属性和片体厚度 40
4.5.5 叉车外门架有限元模型单元的选择 41
4.6.6 叉车外门架网格的划分 42
4.5.7 边界约束条件和加载 43
4.5.8 外门架焊接变形模拟计算 43
4.6 外门架左右滑道内侧面和左右滑道上侧面变形分析 45
4.6.1 外门架左右滑道内侧面X方向变形分析 45
4.6.2 平行度的定义及检测方法 47
4.6.3 左右滑道内侧面平行度误差分析 49
4.6.4 左右滑道上侧面平行度误差分析 50
4.7外门架焊前措施的采取 51
4.7.1 外门架焊前反变形措施的采取 51
4.7.2 外门架左右滑道X方向变形分析 54
4.7.3 左右滑道内侧面平行度误差分析 54
4.7.4 左右滑道上侧面平行度误差分析 56
4.7.5 上横梁与挂链座单独焊接时外门架焊后变形趋势 57
4.8 本章小结 58
结束语 59
致谢 61
参考文献 62
附录 64